Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2001-08-31 - 11:50 p.m. - Mozzerella sticks rock the casba! and add-on

*okay guys I'm stickin with this layout! Fall theme, yahoo!* ... hehe...

i got up around 130 today which was a lot better than 4, and kind of wandered around the house in seach of something containing sugar.

There was nothing.

took a shower around 4:20, got out and decided i didn't care about my hair, so now it's all frizzy and wavy and all over the place because i didn't bother to gel it or blow dry it or even curl it, i just let it dry then put on a headband.

Mom came home and she was all grouchy. She ordered everyone around and we got in one huge fight, the whole way to Giant I was yelling, she was yelling, dad was yelling and Teddy was crying.

We shopped and (I forgot cotton balls! argh!) but we got some vanilla ice cream and some chocolate syrup, and some mozzerella sticks (I LOVE THOSE!! YUMMMM!) and some pepsi, and sugary cookies, so I am happy.

mom came back and we made amends, and we were okay again. she drove us up to the property (where we're building a house, remember?) and said "close your eyes" so we did. she said "okay, look to your left and open them"-



and we were all "yes!!!!!" in December/January we'll be OUT of this wretched apartment... The cat decided she didn't like the kitty litter we've been buying her and has been parading around peeing wherever she likes. So now the closet smells like cat piss.

We locked her in the bathroom with her litter box and now she's scratching the door, trying to get out. She knows how to open doors! so we put a hanger on the knob so when it opens it gets caught and she cant get out. The other one opens from the outside and we have it locked.

Had some mozzerella sticks then cleaned the bathrooms with Teddy, and got online. Now I'm finishing up a vanilla sundea, yippee!

Chris is the most confusing person EVER. I mean he says he wants to be friends, but then a few days later he's going on and on about "conflicts" and i'm sitting here- "give it up- please, - let's just be friends-"

It's not that hard, really!

I kinda miss what we used to have.

Talked to Fern online tonight. He's really amazing. Kinda wish I'd have saved the convo, but I didn't. oh well.

Still waiting patiently for my diary to be reviewed, heh, it's kind of exciting, I wonder how I really did on the HTML? But sometimes I wish my entries were a little more exciting, I write about stupid stuff so much.

I stay up way too late... it's almost midnight and I'm not even tired. I'll be so, in Dr. Evil's words, "friggin screwed" when school starts.

Hopefully my horniness will go away by the time I want to sleep. Stupid Fern. (just kiddin... )

ttyl, good night...


need to add on a bit!

I decided I'd rise to the occasion of my new layout which is going to stay for longer than a week. (loud cheering and whistling erupts in the background) woo-hoo!

I can't believe it's three in the mornin, geez, for the past few days I've been asleep during this hour, but I was awake fixing my brand new layout, complete with my desired fall leaves and all. I really would not have found this background if Ivan hadn't pointed it out, we were randomly looking for bg sites around one am, and I found one called beanie designs, or something of that sort. I didn't look to closely at them, but Ivan did and now instead of orange leaves he's got red ones.

Maria and I had a power trip makin fun of Chris last nite. (aka, yesterday meaning it's already tomorrow due to 3 am)

Chris: okay, I heard about this "eating out"...? now, I know it involves my tounge, but what kind of food could you possible have in there?

Hehe, and we all wonder if he really does know that the term to "eat out" means. ::snort::

You know who's amazing? Fern. Yea, i know what you're thinkin "weren't you fighting with him?!" no, not anymore, (thankfully) ... and we had a real great convo last nite, it sucks he's in a different time zone and was up till 5 am talking to me, :-(, sorry Fern! I hope he's on tomorrow, erm, tonight. (he...he...)

Going to be in USC september 8th (whoopeeeee!!!) ... but I have to get by the first day of school before I can see Emily and Maria. (oh, not school! no!!) I'll get these ugly blonde highlights fixed. Mrs. Sand (mom of Teddy's best friend in pgh, Matt) called tonight about Boyce teams. I told her about Dad's car wreck and informed her that we were going to be in Pittsburgh Sep 8. Teddy talked to Matt afterwards for almost an hour, that's record-breaking for my wittle bwothah who is normally rather phone shy.

I is not phone shy, but due to lack of people to talk to over the phone I never call anyone. If I call and pgh people mom and dad get mad and scream about phone bills. Come on mom, you moved us three hours to this horrible little confiding town, and now you hate your job, .... cut me some slack. please.

Seriously, it's so easy to feel trapped inside of yourself when living in State College under some circumstances.... I imagined myself going to Pittsburgh on my own... I felt so caged inside my own mind until I reached 1161 Galaxy circle, then I was set free, and the world seemed so open again, anything was possible.

I hope I can see Rachelle and Amanda as well when I go back. We believed anything was possible on those streets. And, maybe, in some sense, it was.

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