Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-08-02 - 12:32 a.m. - Story, first entry

Well, Maria and I are writing stories again. This usually starts around the middle of summer, kind of like our prediction of the year coming. Or our fantasy. Whatever we feel like it. And every day I'll write a portion of the story in my diary.

Today's portion, characters:

Characters that are featured the most:


Melissa: Used to be Nicole�s best friend, and now they talk online. Melissa is very good friends with Sarah, Joyce, Margot, pretty much everyone. She has a crush, Sam, and sometimes Matt or Bob. Hates Pike and Ray.

Sarah: Still talks to Nicole, and is very good friends with Melissa. Thinks John needs to get a life. Her and Pike are going out. She still sort of likes Ray.

Joyce: doesn�t seem to like anyone, but still is one of the nicest people and everyone�s best friend.

Lydia: Still likes bob! Has mixed feelings for Nicole and hates Ray like pretty much everyone else.

Steph: Is kind of there, then not there, Everyone is stil trying to find a weekend when they can all get together and go to her house to tape stuff!

Bob: Has Nicole blocked on all screen names. Kind of likes Lydia but is not sure. Spend too much time playing TFCIBS with John.

Matt: Dork. Thinks he is John�s best friend but John and Bob always make fun of him. Is a John/Bob wanna-be. Has forgotten about Nicole.

John: IsBob�s best friend. Always signs on for the sole purpose of playing TFCIBS with Bob. Thinks Sarah is hot. Is annoyed at Margot. Has mixed feelings for Nicole.

Steve- Horniest guy around. Just wants some ass. Will take anything.and I mean ANYTHING. Wants Nicole, along with half of the female population.

State College ppl:

Nicole: Main character. Is confused about herself and life in general. Is sure she loves John to death, but does she really? Misses Everyone, and wishes so much that she could move back. Why me? is her daily thought.

Sylvia: Nicole�s popular friend, Is pretty much friends with everyone and Nicole wonders if Sylvia really values her or not.

Patrick- Confuses the hell out of Nicole! has a loathing for John, and tries to be a thirteen year old punk. Is pretty cool to hang out with, but is another person that Nicole has a hard time reading.

Mark: one of Patrick�s friends who has a nice ass. That�s about the only thing Mark has going for him, his ass. Likes to mimick Nicole because he has nothing better to do with his wasted life.

Alex: Has a sense of humor and is often laughing about something with Nicole. Is also pretty popular and often makes Nicole wonder the same thing she does about Sylvia, does Alex really value her?

Sherona: Used to be a good friend of Nicole�s, but believed some flash rumor about Nicole talking about her, and is very leery towards the supposed friendship.

Maiai: Is kind of a punk, someone Nicole sits with at lunch, she�s not really a punk but people classify her as that. She�s actually really cool.

Tracey: Someone else who sits at the lunch table with Maiai and Nicole. A normal, nice every day girl with a dorky, rude boyfriend.

Juliet: A very amazing person with a knack for theater. Is very fun to talk to, likes making fun of the popular �preps�.

Theresa: Likes Mark�s ass.

Christina: A little whore that Nicole hopes stays where she�s visiting.

Sandra: Another amazing person with a really awesome sense of humor. Her and Nicole are going to be in *Dumbe German* with each other in eighth grade.

there are a lot of other guys, but they only play minor roles, I don�t feel like listing them!!

and I might write some later, but now it's back to Appleworks6, to start the actual story!

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