
amanda - 2005-05-16 19:48:51
Pssht..Prom..Pssht..Not that cool..*jealous face* heh.
merg - 2005-05-17 20:24:54
i really think that those "people" you are talking about only say shit cause your dumb selves print shit out and bring it to the office. Thats mature?? thats pretty dumb. And threats? please ive known those girls longer than either you or hillary has and i know they arent that low. Stop making stuff up, stop printing shit out, stop being pusseys cause you cant handle shit yourselves. You know what you did was hella wrong and no one deserved it. You know Laura didnt do shit to your car. You just cant handle the fact that almost the entire school hates you or just cant stand you. And thats all i can say.
HILLARY - 2005-05-17 21:21:23
LIZ!!! the entire school hates us!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS.. haha.. hhahaahaha wow. i cant even comment.. im just hahahahahahaha
Liz - 2005-05-17 21:38:03
Thank you merg- for proving my point about you. "They really like the drama, enough to talk about it to anyone who will listen-...". Things never get boring with you guys, do they? And. Yeah. I know it was one of you, anyone else would have left their actual name instead of a made-up word. You guys...don't ever admit to anything you do or say.
Anna - 2005-05-18 19:36:05
I love Liz and Hillary!! And I don't have a MUFFIN. hehe.
jen - 2005-05-18 20:07:01
Alright Merg. Fortunate for you, I just spent a while typing you a dumbass lecture and it didn't work. Diaryland sucks and it got deleted when I tried to send it through. You're lucky because it would have embarassed the shit out of you. So this will be short and terse. You suck, you obviously do not know Liz to say those things. Do not even fucking say I don't know Liz, because I have known her since she moved here. She sat at my lunch table first. Haha, good times. So... yeah, you basically suck ass. Your points are weak. Almost the whole school does NOT hate Liz. They probably hate you and you don't even know it. It is pretty clear that might be the case because you won't even sign with your own name. Take ownership of your fucking opinion. Looking at things objectively, I would want to be Liz's friend over yours anyday. That must be a HUGE dis to you since Liz is apparently SOOO horrible. I think Liz wrote about the predicament respectively. You're lucky she didn't just call you a fucker. Well, I will do it for her. You're a fucker, and go eat your candy. If you don't like how Liz acts, why don't you set an example and show her how to be? I mean- this is all logic here.
djview - 2005-05-18 22:19:04
Ohhh Merg..Sigh. Merg is the girl, who farts every day in second peiod study hall. And if THAT doesnt give her identity away - her last name sounds like GAY! Word up WHAT?
Hillary - 2005-05-19 16:54:16
LIZ i guess it is true that the whole world hates us. haha. oh well. THANKS TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO STICK UP FOR US EVERYDAY ahahaha i <3 life.
you are ugly - 2005-05-21 12:15:39
ring a bell? you all are and guess what? you dumb asses dont know who the fuck youre dealin with! I got a whole fuckin list of stupid white BITCHES like yourselves who end up 12 FUCKIN FEET UNDER you stupid whores. I had every right to stand up for those girls cause they didnt do SHIT! yall need to watch who the hell youre talking to cause its not gonna end pretty. i am pretty damn sure the whole fuckin world hates you AND your mustache you fat white "nasty beetch" ........and your psychoness. WHATCH YOUR MOTHERFUCKIN BACK THATS ALL IM GONNA SAY!
Liz - 2005-05-21 13:33:19
Heeyy L. I know it's you for THREE reasons. 1. no one else says 'yall'. I've talked to you online enough to know this. Didja know that I changed the settings here so that you HAVE to be signed into Diaryland to comment- it made Hillary sign in before she could, and HEY look at that, YOU recently updated. Also...who else would cuss and swear like a 12 year old who thinks she's badass? If you are going to threaten to kill us, don't be too pussy to NOT leave your name- but as previously stated, you people never like to admit to things you do or say...but you do like to make things up.. FYI...I don't have a mustache. I'm a LOT more attractive than you EVER will be. It's nice to know you're jealous.;-)
jon hughes - 2005-05-22 19:23:04
ONE thing is for sure. if it really is this L chick, NO ONE is as ugly as her, NO ONE has acne like hers, and NO ONE has a face and body like hers. i heard that the seniors go around calling her something like "bag chick" because they think she should put a bag on her face. thats quite funny. no one attacked her for her looks yet, even though she had no good logos in what she said. people could have just said YOURE NASTY, GET A LIFE AND LOSE YOUR CONFIDENCE, but they used some smarts. which she clearly does not exhibit.
Eriiiiiiin - 2005-05-22 21:03:00
I like Liz alot. Actually...come to think of it... I like Hillary alot too. Now fancy that.
jen - 2005-05-23 20:28:29
hey for liz feeling DISNEY. boo for stupid people being stupid. Ha. Ha.

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