Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-08-25 - 8:23 p.m. - Today was usual... hah.

Well, I woke up around three, and I was forced to clean.

Nothin much happened today until we got The Call.

Mom: You Father got in a car wreck.

Me: WHAT?! Is he oaky?

Mom: Yes, he's fine.

Me: How's the car?

Mom: I don't know

Me: Are we still going to Pittsburgh this weekend?



Mom: Look, I gotta go

Me: fine, bye...

And now I'm not stressed, I'm Super-Stressed.

iAMaMISFIT13: what's prophets problem?

PPR9914: i dont know!!

PPR9914: we all were over it!


Jazzberry18: i know

Jazzberry18: how old is this guy, exactly?

PPR9914: 18

PPR9914: or so he claims

Jazzberry18: cause he talks like he's 70

PPR9914: LOL

Jazzberry18: actin all sophisticated with those big ass words

Jazzberry18: *roll eyes* lol

PPR9914: thinkin hes gonna get published or something

PPR9914: i know!!

Jazzberry18: Yea, published for WAT? lol

Yea... so we were all over it, talking about my dad's car wreck, but since obviously this situation doesn't bother HIM at all, he provokes it. I'm so damn stressed about this whole Chris thing... but I don't know if I want to get into it, it's way complex and all I can say is that HE. LIED. and I wrote HIM a litte six reasons, it's his turn to be majorly offended! I'll post them later when I take a trip to Hotmail.

But remember last nite I said something about someone online?

Yea, I don't know if I've mentioned LuvBot yet,i probably have, lol. He's amazing. That's that.

And I mean amazing- not the lie I told chris, stupid bastard Chris.

A lot of this stress makes me sick sometimes.

We got some pizza after dad got home, he called in Domino's and it was really good. Then Teddy got online and mom and I walked across the street to the ale house and mom bought some beer. I got home and kicked Ted off the computer, and I talked to someone over MSN! woo-hoo!

Pat was on, I don't understand why he does not get AIM. Oh well.

I have three "buddies" on my MSN list, Rachelle, Pat and Fern who refers to himself as 'Freak on a leash". odd.

I changed mine to Lizzles, and that was that.

I kinda wanna talk to Fern online, because this problem involves us, NOT the random people who signed his guestbook, but I think Ivan has a point, I'll repsect their opinions, but I'd like them to know that they're only making it worse.

haha! bot just signed on, said hey then left. ;-)

I hope emily gets on later, because mom says she's not sure what we're going to do and it depends on how dad's feeling.

I really want dad to get better and not to hurt but I also really wanna see Emily, if only for like an hour.

And, Fern, if you're reading this, please just give it up. you insulted my school. That is not a lie. You said i should be excited about a shooting. That is not a lie. and i was offended. that. is not a lie!! I'm not bothered by any of your other e-mails or whatever else you said, I was just angry that you said my school might be shot up! Sheesh, cut the authorly classy I'm-above-you, all of us are through with it so give it up!

I'm off to check other's diaries. ttyl.

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bipolar eh - 5:46 a.m. , 2006-04-29

dar - 12:33 p.m. , 2006-04-17

fun - 12:29 a.m. , 2006-02-20

Pittsburgh over Seahawks 21-10 Superbowl XL - 8:22 a.m. , 2006-02-08

dreamin - 9:46 p.m. , 2005-12-18