Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-08-16 - 1:45 p.m. - MessedHTML, CSS and... Chris

I had the most fun working with CSS today.

And I completely understand it too. Because, instead of stealing it off of someone else's site, I went to Lissa and constructed my very own!

So now when I do someone's layout for MessedHTML They'll have a cool mouse-over for their text links as well.

I really ought to work more on Hippy-Beaner's Layout, She has not put it on her diary yet, this is what it looks like so far MessdPreview

and on other news, aka, chris-

since he can't read my diary anymore I guess I'll write whatever I please about him, unless some loser gives him their password. Not that anyone I gave a password to is a loser, but they sure will be if they give their password away!

It's this thing- see, I don't know if I really have that thing for him anymore, and now I wonder if I lied when I told him I did.

It was like, you know when you go to the doctor's to get a shot and you're all scared, but once it's over the doctor says 'Now that wasn't so bad, now was it?' and that's kind of how I felt after I said that to him, and he kind of returned the favor.

Ivan brought something up yesterday- what if chris is kidding, and doesn't mean what he's saying?

I don't want to think like that, because Ivan seems to know a can of pepsi better than he knows Chris.

But still- could he be? But why would he waste his time saying all those things to me if he was kidding?

Knowing him, if he didn't like me he'd probably cuss at me and block me if I told him I did.

C'mon Maria You know Chris better than a can of pepsi!! Don't you think that would be the case? Wouldn't he want nothing to do with me if he knew I liked him and he didn't like me??

Enough Chris talk- -

what else is there to talk about?

oh! I was fooling around with the HTML on Surreality9 and it looks much better than it did before!

So everyone go and add an entry- eh, I'm out....

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