Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2001-08-20 - 9:54 p.m. - Dland quiz/survey

Okay, while being bored me, Ivan, and Maria made up the Official Diaryland Surveying Thingy.

1. who are you?: Liz, aka Lizzles

2. where do you live?: State College

3. make up a question then answer it: Are you cute? yes!

4. What�s your fave ice cream flavor?: Vanilla

3. what kinda music do you like?: Pop!

4. punk or jazz?: Jazz...

5. what are your veiws on Canada?: iz okay

6. boxers or briefs? neither :-P! jk.

7. Andrew of Diaryland or Tinky-Winky the Teletubbie?: the teletubbie, most def

8. how do you eat a shmollie?: WELL, it takes about five licks to get to the center of a shmollie pop.

9. Fwuff a wuff or Cleveland Indian?: Indian.... Celveland!

10. Couch or Sofa?: Couch

11. If you had to marry someone (have to know them personally!) who would it be?: um,... yea, Mr Um. how does Liz Um sound?

12. Is there a such thing as tri sexual?: I hope not.

14. Where is your fave vacationing spot?: Poland!

15. what do you want to be/what are you now?: vet

16. prude or perverted?: for what? a guy. right now I'm lookin for a sorta perverted guy, I want some action! I'm so bored!

17.Naughty or nice? for a guy... oh, naughty, please.

18. Christina Aguilera or Britney Spears? C aguilera. she's not fake.

19. Who are you and why are you here?: I'm Liz and I'm bored out of my mind taking a Diaryland Survey.

20. Are you TRULY in love?: nope, not at this age.

21. didn�t think so. hahaha!

22. are the penguins stealing your sanity as we speak?: nope.

23. Are/were you ever a hippy?: yes! peace, Maria! jk!

24. movies or mall?: depends who with....

25. Kisses or hugs? kisses! I. Want. Some. Action

26. coke or pepsi?: Pepsi's sweeter;-)

27. Baseball or Rugby? Baseball... lol

28. Josh or Connor?: Connor, because due to lack of dick he can't suck his own

29. AOL or AIM?: AIM, if I had AOL i'd probably be so restricted

30. 2001 or 1567?: 2001. doh.

31. Andrew or your average hobo?: Average hobo. please.

32. Diaryland or Livejournal?: Dland!!

33. Notes or Guestbook?: Gbook, u can do tha html!

34. Dland or notebook?: depends what I'm writing about.

35. HTML or SNES?: HTML.... lol

36. TFC or CS?: Computer Shit!

37. PBS or TNT?: TNT!

38. MTV or VH1?: MTV!

39. XYZ or ABCgum?: XYZ

40: Olsen Twins or 10 barrels of emu shit?: emu shit....

41. 10 barrels of emu shit or transvestite?: emu shit...

42. swimming or skating?: skatin

43. NIN or slipknot?: nin... slipknot is weird

44. Liz or Maria?: Liz!

45. Ivan or chris?:Chris!

46. Are you the proudest monky you�ll ever see?: No. not really.

47. Head chunk or footed pj�s?: Head Chunk, poor Chris....

48. does it smell like a toilet in here?: no, lol

49. If so, who is it that smells like a toilet?: Well... Chris... we make fun of him too much! Poor Chris!

50. Who does your heart desire?: Well it WAS Chris, sometimes it is sometime's it's not!

51. If you answered 50 with �george bush� You are officially on crack.: I'm not, lol

52. what is your fave flavor of lip gloss?: Shamrock Shakerberry. jk. I really do like Naturistic Lip Sparkler's Passion Fruit... brings back a lot of memories of USC...

53. peaches or cream?: cream!

54. is Sam a yam?: who is sam. yes, he is a yam

55. yeah, yea or ya: depends how seriously I feel about the topic being duscissed

56. IRL or WTF?: wtf most def

57. LOL or LMAO?: depends how hard I'm laughin! usually with mar and ivan its LMAO

58. hehe or heehee?: hehe

59. Do you think the IM lingo sucks monkey ass?: yes, big round monkey ass

60. who the hell is majin piccilo?: a dumb monkey ass

61. and why wont he just go away??: he's too dumb to know when he's not wanted

62. What is a head chunk? Explain in detail.: It is that thing that... yea.

63. What do you think is the SExxxIEST thing about the opposite sex?: voice, or hair color... the darker the hotter!

64. Are you annoyed yet?:no

65. anarchy or facism?: i don't know what anarchy means!

66. Communists or Capitalists?: capitalists!

67. Who IS the chad, anyway?: a loser.

68. moldy dinosaur or bunny ears?: bunny ears!

69. Cyber sex or real sex: REAL sex, baby!

70. 69 or 420: ...69....

71. sex or CS?: sex!

72. Bird Or Bees?: bird, bees sting

73. Fort Couch or PfMS?: Fort Couch please

74. 1 AM or 1 PM?: 1 AM, thas the only '1' I'm awake for!

75. Prime Meridian or Equator?: donno dont care

78. Star Trek or Star Wars?: Wars! yah!

80. Mountain or Valley?: well, both are gorgeous, SC proves that!

81. 20th or 21st century: 21!

87. Why are there so many damn questions?: Because we were bored and sat here boringly making questions

88. 21 AD or 21 BC? : oh, who cares we weren't alive then

89. Blow pop or tootsie pop? Blow, def

90. Pelled or Spell check?: spell check! but pelled is funny

91. Doesn�t diaryland kick patootie? (sorry, Maria, �ass�): Yes! it does!

92. Freaks or Geeks?: I'm a freak, and so are half my friends sooo.. geeks! jk, freaks lol

93. Blow job or Tootsie job?: ummmmm bj??

94. Brains or Braun?: Brain! but a little braun can't hurt could it? just a little?

95. itWUZtheCHAD:where is the freaks and geeks test at?: in your head, Chad.

96. Abercrombie and Fitch or hot topic? A and F for soft shirts to wear to sleep and hot topic for wild make up and jewelery.. elsewhere for school clothes

99. Are you horny? A little but not much.

100. WHO�S YO DADDY?????? Bill.

Well, there it is! The official Diaryland Quiz! Just copy and paste it into your �add an entry� box thingy and delete the previous person�s answers, and add your own!

And if you�ve got a question to add feel free to add it as the next number down! thanks!


You know I really shoud write about my life more... maybe later.

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