Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-06-25 - 12:01 a.m. - PF pool madness

Wow, this took a lot of effort to make

I love it so much, though.

The last two days I've been at the pool, soaking up sun, getting a tan, hanging out with lotsa people, one of which being my amazingest fruitcake andreadoodle.

Yesterday was Pf pool. We tanned and played waterbasketball and were pretty good at it:-). then we went to her house. Zack and Tim came over (I pissed off Tim cuz I bit him.) And we met Peter and Jes and Jordan in the park for flashlight tag. Now, I've never played that before, and it was pretty sweet. I gave Peter and Jes nicknames too. They were like Jeserbizzer and Peterbubble. Well, maybe not Jeserbizzer, but I know it was DEF Peterbubble. Anyway. We kicked ass until Tim decided, when he was IT, to wait at home base and tag everyone. I think that's against the rules? Oh well.

Then everyone went home, it was a fun night.

Today we went to Pf again. Long long story why we didn't go to welch or the nat, but we were at pf. There were a lot of people there and it was VERY hot, but very fun. Swam, played a little basketball and did a lot of tanning and talking to the amazingest andrea, loopiest laura, jovialest jess and cutest Chelsae. They left, I walked with them half the way to their houses and went back to the pool to meet dad. Talked to Conor. He was wearing this...tight shirt thing..whoa, it was odd, hahaha...

Tonight was Teddy's Bday dinner. He's 13 today! The fam and I went to pizza hut and the creamery. (Bagel Boy works at the creamery, so I was a bit nervous). But he wasn't there, so life was good again.

Then I came home and bummed around online because I'm cool like that

Well... I'm out! I'll be at Andreadoodle's like all day tomorrow until my parents take us home at 10FREAKIN30 after players because they're mean like that. Then Andrea and Lauren shall be at my place for the night. That reminds me, the room needs cleaned...

much love


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