Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-06-12 - 7:01PM - hot guy & evolution

Went to Lisa's last nite...

her house is AMAZING.... I want to live in stormstown!!!

we walked around lookin for the neighborhood peeps.... and we went into this old abandoned shack... it was really scary... there were like pictures of naked people drawn in crayon, and there were snake skins everywhere, and somone burned the couch in the front yard a few days before so it smelled bad. We heard a sound from the attic and ran out screaming, almost killing ourselves cuz we were wearing these huge shoes

then we went back to her house, got changed and met these guys that cae over out in her front yard. (near the edge.... she has a huge yard)

and we hung around, Nick was kind of short and swore a lot, he's 14...

i forget the other one's name who was flirting with lisa, but he looked like 20... he was 14. and Cameron, the normal, not perverted one, who was also 14. and i think there was this other guy, but he didn't talk much and he looked like 10.... so whatever. we hung around, me not talkin to much, and ia flirtin with that guy, and nick and cameron talking about random things

Lisa went and got Gena (pronounced 'jenna') and we talked for a little, hen Lisa brought out a blanket and we all sat there, talking.... I forget what they were doing.. but eventually Lisa brought out a flashlight and everyone began to play 'spin the flashlight'....

everyone kissed a lot before it landed on me.... really didn't want to, because I have bad breath, and also because i can't kiss that well!

(hey- guy at the ice rink- THANK YOU!!!!!!! atleast I KIND of know how to kiss!)

but after random guy that flirted with lisa left, then the other random guy who never talked left, it was just me, Gena, Lisa, Nick and Cameron.

Lisa and Gena like, were seducing Nick while Cameron and i just kind of watched.

Cameron, I later realized, is really, really hot... (haha)

it was funny, he like put his arm around me and was scratching my side... then he grabbed me ass.... but i dont really want to talk about that... ehh...

I never really got to see what he really looked like, though. I didn't care too much until Nick kept poking around and saying 'Liz should kiss Cameron!' and I wanted to see if he had nice lips or not, but by then it was getting dark and I couldn't see too well, also he was taller than me.

It got late and everyone had to leave. Lisa and I went in, and she said,

'Odd, I knew you and Cameron would hit it off'

yea, uhuh, he grabbed my ass, we didn't go out (lo... haha...ehhhh...)

( no offense Lisa if ya ever see this)

but anyway, it was hard to stop thinking about him that night because he was so, soooo hot (lol, i sound like troubledteen) and I wanted to be that close to him again.... but I have no idea if I'll even see him again.

we went online, and talked to one of mck's friends, who said a LOT of strange stuff about him, and now I'm kind of scared, but I don't think I'll write it here because it could possibly be kind of, (cough) personal.... and Pierre, thy had this really interesting convo, but she said they always do that and it wasn;t anything new,..... so, I dunno. Checked my mail and had three from Ivan... apologized for calling me a bitch, btu waht i was really mad at was him saying 'fuck you' to Chris.... Lisa thinks he likes me. ew.

woke up the next morning. we had planned to go to the pool and meet pierre, but it was really overcast so we went to see evolution with Gena.

It was funny....!.... but kind of disturbing....

we got out and talked a little but till Lisa's mom came and picked us up. dropped me off at home, and I got online and talked to people, and here I am.

Summer, day five

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