Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-11-07 - 9:08 p.m. - sexy french fries

Had an interesting day...

I was supposedly being mean in second period (music) so Tim decides to half-assedly ignore me. Meaning: He won't come up and talk to me, or make any effort whatsoever to acknowledge my existance. He looked at me maybe twice... argh. I got really annoyed and ignored him from 3rd period to the middle of lunch, I went up to him and asked why he was ignoring me, he mumbled something. I asked him what he had just said and, like usual Tim, "nuffin.."

But he did come and sit with us, and he stole his usual pen from Abbie, I tried to get it back from him.. etc.

I am talking to someone in a convo about this, and I just noticed that as soon as I started this stupid Tim thing, my self confidence has taken a nose dive. I used to kind of like myself, but now I can't even look in a mirror without picking out stupid flaws and thinking "maybe THAT'S why he ignores me, ew, that really is ugly.." and such. Does he enjoy making me fell like shit? you know what..... I wish Tim apreciated me HALF as much as Will does, this is what he did today...

We were just kind of sitting there and I said how Bruno had called my hair beautiful and such, I had given him a hug, blah blah. I was gonna change the subject to nacho chips (fun snack 5th period), will looks at me and says "you're beautiful" and he was so serious, I didn't .... I just kind of looked at him for a few seconds and then gave him a hug because no one has ever really called me that. and another thought came to my mind.. "Why can't Tim be like that??? Why can't Tim atleast like me a tad little itsy bit, and these other guys are crazy over me??" .. oh, and that thing that I said Will forgot at home, (my birthday gift), was this amazing cat necklace that I had seen at Hot Topic a few weeks ago and fell in love with. Amazing!

maybe that's why I like him. Weird!

But anyhow, Lauren is coming home with me tomorrow and we're going to go to the Britney Spears concert. It's going to be amazing. I still have to clean a little bit.

Okay, so Conor from SC has a diary now. I wanna do the HTML! and Connor from USC updated for the first time in a long time. I miss him... Speaking of USC, Friday night Chris (I saw Chris... yes, lol)... We both got french fries and sat down. He eats one, looks at me, then eats another, then says "Geez, I'm trying to think of a sexy way to eat french fries..." It was really funny! That boy has not lost his spark.

I have to update the previous weekend's entry... there's still so much more to say, on my family, the family that I value over anything now because of these events.

bye for now,


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