Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-11-19 - 9:16 p.m. - Tim is OvAH

Tim and I have broken up. He thinks he dumped me, but he didn't. I dumped him so there.

Single again, woo hoo ishness!

"Dumping me? You mean, like a forklift dumps hay? Well... you and a forklift are a bit different. A forklift can get it up and you can't"

"Fuck off. Oh, wait, my bad, you need to go through puberty first"

"Now, Small Children, we all know that before puberty, little boys are almost the same as little girls..."

Tim is an 'it' who needs deoderant. That was the awesomest closing comment, "By the way, You Smell. Get some deoderant"

Just to let you all know.... I'm not mean to those who are nice to me. He said a whole lt of shit, like.. he randomly called me a jackass today. And then, in 7th period, after avoiding me all day, he tells people he dumped me. Wtf?? And so, after 8th period I came up to his locker and the rest is history. Knowing him he'll take my smell comment to his grave,... but, eh, let him live an angry life, like I care.

Anyway, other than that I had a good day. I wonder what tomorrow will be like? Oh, that new kid, Alex, comes up to me after lunch "when you and Tim break up will you go out with me?" and I was like... "can I, erm think about that one?".. and, I am thinking about it (HAH! I DOOOO think!!!) I might. Who knows.

I can be a flirt again. The sad thing is, I don't know whether i want to or not. I was happy being a flirt, but I was happy with Tim too. Well.. I've got no choice now.

Chris and I lasted longer than Tim and I. And, again, I learned something from my mistakes. Someday I'll be a good girlfriend to someone.

Bruno knows where my new house is. He saw a picture of it. Erm... the surrounding area. "Cedar cliff". Bruno also thinks Maria is hot and wants to screw her until he's knocked unconcious. Oh My.

Chris, you're an asshole. Really. No Joke. I don't like you at all.

Sorry for the negativity in this entry. Being kicked off.


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