Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-11-29 - 8:35 p.m. - Attorneys rule

I'm tired, but I really want to tell you all about my life...

There's a dance on Tomorrow nite. Like, a dance. not social, not fun night, dance. Formal dress, dated, dance. Sigh. Yeah, so I've got my formal dress, that black skirt with the jacket, and my date, that guy Max with the abs. alls i need now is my two dollas to get into this retarded Nsync-fest. Ugh. Nsync. Hey, I wonder if they'res an NsTink diary ring or something.

Anup is amazing!! He found all these sites that are seriously going to help us in this case. We're going to win! We have a whole nwe theory, and I really believe that this guy (the suspect, Eric Smith), I really believe that he's innocent. His IQ is 72, so he's not very smart. He didn't do it... someday when I'm not so tired I'll write about the whooooole case.

Anyway. After the dance Friday, Lauren said she was gonna have a party. Since Park Forest dances are from 7-9, we have plenty of time to chill at her house.

HA good news, no dressing nice. It's gonna be a normal fun night after all. :-) :need two dollars still!!:

Ivan and I are friends again. I'll bet all of you avid Lizzles readers were like "eh, they'll forget to be mad at each other" ... or something like that. You all know me too much.

Alex won't leave me alone. He asked me to the dance, then I said "no, I'm er... :looks around cafeteria: going with Max".. :walks away, goes up to Max, hopes Max says yes: Max says yes, and it's all good. Alex: Wanna go to the movies Saturday?

HAH I can't, I'm gonna be in Pittsburgh, shopping with family friends. I really am! No kidding!

Okay, so I come over to the guy's table, and I sit down. Conor is talking to Britnie and Abbie over a our table. Zack, Alex, Trevor and John are at the table with me. Zack goes "You know what Liz, Conor likes you. Seriously, he likes you," and I'm thinking, this is Zack, he kids about everything. I roll my eyes and say "Yeah, whatever" and Zack gets everyone at the table saying "Liz! He does!" and such. Stupid me, I still like Tim.

I really actually like dressing nice sometimes. OH! Our law day groups. There are like, 5-6 people per group, and they had divided up the whole team which means a lotta groups. And, who's in mine? Well, my fellow attorney, Ellen Yates. And, Dan whasisname whos shy and nice, and Kierstin Brezina who is nice. And Tim. Tim is in my group. Gag me. Spoon. Now. But. I can't say I'm entirely pissed about it Because I'm not. Maybe he'll be somehow forced to talk to me for the educational process through your fellow peers ..(?)..

Will called me today. He invited Abbie and I to go be bell-ringers Sunday, December 14. Could it be fun? Maybe. His mom is going to be there. How much does she know about me...? Scared of mothers. specially mothers of guys that like me, or guys that I like. Yea. Scared.

I'm gonna go read Petah'd diary now. Ta-ta.


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