Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-12-02 - 2:00 p.m. - Friday and Saturday

UGH my diary looks so retarded on Netscape, I hope it doesn't look like that on other's computers, the entry was all squished to the right and -ugh, maybe I'll switch the links and the entry so everything looks normal.

I'm at the PSU library, and there are random college kids everywhere.

Anyhow, more about what's been going on lately. Friday was amazing, Law day kicked major ass. Then, after school I went over the case with Ivan, and he helped me come up with so many otherlittle things I should notice for the case and how to defend them if the prosecution thinks of it. Saturday I went painting with the drama kids, and kinda made a dull yellow shirt into something amazing that I'm going to wear Monday, I think. (being tomorrow). Then, we had all planned to go to a movie that night. So, before I was at T.J. Maxx, and got some pretty cool stuff, then I called Abbie who told me to meet everyone at 9 at the mall theater. Ivan couldn't go because he didn't have a ride. Will and Lisa were supposedly going to be there, though. So, I was there a little early. I was roaming about Big Lots, the store next to the theater, and blah blah. Called Ivan from the rest room and we talked, he said Tim called him and Tim thinks I hate him. I still want to know what Tim said before "but, she hates me though". Why won't he tell me?? People don't just 'forget' things that happened only an hour before.

Anyway, no one was at the theater at 9. or 9:30. Called around.. blah lbah... let's jsut say my nickname, from now on, is 'hobo'.

I'm being forced to get books now. ta-ta, more later.


-Oh geeze I forgot to tell alla yah, my internet provider is having problems (excite, AT&T, yadda yadda), You've probably heard the story, and if not, you're living under a rock, or in a bird cage that was turned into a rock.... Right. So, anyway, I'm off to research for the case on a retard library computer. Bye now... :-/


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