Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-12-18 - 9:12 p.m. - Tuesday, December 18, 2001

Hey all you people out there!

now that I can finally update daily again, there will be no long-winded entries as the past few have been.

Ugh- I have a rant. Someone's mother seems to think me 'a case'. whatever the hell that means. Fine, think I'm a case. How wonderful to be thought of as a case. I only see this person what, once every few weeks? SUCH a case, and she would know too. :rolls eyes:.

I hate it when people talk about me.

there are times when I want to be the wounded souldier and retreat back to Pittsburgh, where it was hella hard to make your name known but hella easy to just live.

I thought that today in the rain when I walked back from the bus to the apt. I guess rain depresses me, I don't know.

Justin Mattas called me this too. Wonderful.

If I'm such a bitch then maybe I sould just go away and make everyone happy

Peter and I are talking again, he says "djpitabuttah87:i dont no what a water bra is

djpitabuttah87:second i didnt suck on your booob i was tortally just playing about liking you TOTALLY gg c ya il talk later"

So, I should forgive him because he was only trying to lead me on? oh geeze. I hate it when guys do this.

So, what happened today? Lauren and I got out of a detention by a close shave in first period, I randomly did nothing in second, went to the nurses cuz I was hella tired at the beggining of third and she kept me there until the end of 5th. Lunch sucked as usual, Tim is sitting at the table again and his ugliness makes me want to hurl. The rubber chicken nuggets may have played a part in that, though. Had a quiz in math, there was only one asnwer I was unsure of, I really need to do well on that quiz (I almost have an A in math!).. grades, speaking of grades. A in science, A in SS, almost A in math, and a B or C in English. Last time I checked it was a 83%, but I'm sure it went down. I hate English. A in German, A in music, A in FCS, A in health, A in gym... all easy stuff.

Anyhow, I have to ramble about the SS trial now. I did better today- Hawbaker didn't know what heresay was and Matt did bad but we're re-calling him tomorrow, along with the psychologist .... this should be good. Very good. Also, Jordan gave me a tip. Ellen is gonna love it!!

Went home, homework, blah.... choir concert was tonite, and I think we did okay, but I can't sing!! And dad made me leave real early, like right after. I'm irked at Peter again because he claims that he was pretending to like me, a.k.a. leading me on, so I should forgive him?? GUYS!!!

Let Lisa borrow my other black pants and of course she looks beter in them!! She's wearing them tomorrow. Her Trevor quest did not go so well today, he does not seem interested.

MAKE TIM SHANNON DIE, OR ATLEAST GO AWAY- he is such a mean loser, but he likes it that way. Someone should call him a nice, considerate human being with a heart of gold. I think I will tomorrow, and see what he does. He likes being mean, that's where he finds his only humor, energy, thrills in life.

Wish me luck for tomorrow, we're going to kick some serious buttocks in this trial

Much love to almost all of you,


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