Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2002-01-19 - 12:49 p.m. - Finally a Fun Night

You know what I don't understand? How women in porn magazines, who show of EVERYTHING with flair are called "ladies" and how regular women, if they show just a little skin, they're called sluts. Anyone wanna explain that to me?"

"You know, it's rather cold outside, .. where did the sun go..."

Must talk about yesterday, seeing as I had lacked time and will to write an entry.

I'll do the thing that I normally don't do, and seperate my day into periods

Pd 1: Science. My grade on Thursday was a 95%. Now it is an 88... Ford hates me, I swear. My last few assignments he had taken points off for no particular reason, and today, he said "Oh, you have this marked wrong, you don;t have a 13, you've got a 0..." and such. He gave up when he realized that there were no more points he could take away from me that wouldn't cause mass suspicion, so he moved on to Lauren to pick her apart, she has a 68% now. From a 77.

Pd 2- Music, was rather amazing, we got to listen to music (hence "music class"), and basically sit and chill. Someone had written on the board "Last day of music! Yay! I mean.. Crap!" When I left, I erased the "Yay!... I mean" with my hand, maybe Fisher won't hate me now.

Pd 3- FCS. Boring as usual, Jayne told me about her party she's having in the beggining of february, and we planned a dessert we are going to make on tuesday. boring.

Pd 4- Health. Totally, totally boring. Jayne and I went to the bathroom and talked the whole time, mostly about the musical tryouts on Tuesday. She was thinking of trying out.

Pd 5- Took another parts-of-sentance quiz, then watched Murder On The Nile for a little bit more. I really have to start reading Orient.

Lunch- Was a rather boring lunch. Mixed team was gone to the zoo. How third grade can you get? But, whatever. Oh! Right, now I remember yesterday's lunch. We needed ten more tickets for the fun night, and the janitor was announcing it. When he left I took the mic and said "Ten more guys! We can do this!" Then hurriedly sat down. The lady left early. Some people still wanted to buy tickets.

Pd 6- Math. Talked to Jen and heard about how Trevor S (new hot kid) had asked out Ari, but she said no. Her excuse was "I don't want a boyfriend right now" but it really was that he smoked pot and she didn't like that. You know, if someone ever says "I don't want a bf/gf right now" that mostly means that they either don't like you, or have a reason that they can't or won;t tell you. The teenage world is fueled on the saying "I want a bf/gf! Wah!" So, who possibly would not want a bf/gf?...

Pd 7- SS. Picked parts for a discussion to be held in three days or so. I orignally had Reebok, because all the better companies were taken, but Merritt asked me to do Child's Rights or something like that, so I did. Alicia Hay was sitting next to me, and she kept saying, "MAN! You type fast!"

AREA- Sat outside in the hall with Andrea, Kassi, and Rachel. Kassi moved back today. I think I'll miss her. Anyway, I hadn't gone to quiet study in homeroom, so I was almost sure I was going to get in trouble. But, it was so fun talking to them, Nicole gave Kassi and Andrea a lolipop to share. Kassi cam over to Anrea and I, we were sitting by Andrea's locker. She put the lolipop in her mouth, made this "aauuuhhhh" sound, then flopped over. Andrea yelled "Hey, that's my half!" and grabbed it out of Kassi's hand. It was really funny... I guess you had to have been there. Anyway, I realized that I would be incredibly late, so we put menthol lipstick under my eyes, poked my eye, sprayed perfume on my face, and :voila: I was crying. "Mrs Fisher, Kassi is moving and we were at the counslor's office..."

everyone was talking about the fun night on the bus, almost everyone. Got home and sat around for a little bit, then went to the mall with Ivan. Got back to the apt and went online, talked to people and such. Kevin He insists that he stole my black lacey bra. I came to the conclusion that my hair shall be nothing but wavy, flat and boring. Put on darker make-up then usual, then left to go to the fun night.

When I got there I felt as if we were all in 6th grade. There were the boys on one end, playing that stupid hackey sack, and the girls all talking in small groups on the other end. Can we say 6th grade? I can.

The night went on. Just like a pop song the hackey sack became liked less and less as time flew by. (yay!). Tim's band played, it was the first time I had ever seen them play. He can't sing at all, but he plays the guitar amazingly. He looked really hot. Erin Justice asked him out for Abbie, after Abbie had told her not to many a time. It was really rude and screwed up almost anything Abbie had going for her with Tim.

I hung around with Jayne, Abbie, Peter, Sasha, Brooke, Lindsay, and some other people in different times of the night. Ivan was busy hackey sacking and flirting with people, so I was like, whatever, there's nothing I can do, and I danced with Abbie. Grinded, rather, it was so funny. My hoop earrings were ripped out many a time. They have a clasp thing on the back, so the just slide out, with a little extra force. Doesn't hurt very much. At the end, Peter was like "Come touni-mart with me and ivan" and stuff, but of course my father was already coming, and wouldn't stand for it, so I just went home. Light candles and read one of my old diaries, this one was from 6th grade. Wrote in the back..

Date: 1/18/02

Times change. Things change so fast. I've never wanted back so much as I have now, for it was simple. ...

Around 11:something, I called Peter, as I usually do on Friday nights. Ivan was over, as he usually is on Friday nights, but this convo was boring and dull, unlike usual Friday night convos. Got off the phone around 130, or 1, i forget. Went to sleep.

Woke up at 10:40 to dad yelling "YOU HAVE VOICE AT 11:30, GET UP!" Got dressed and ran out the door, had a horrible lesson because my voice is messed up seriously. Came home, and Sasha, Peter (or so I thought it was just Peter), talked about plans for tonite. So far, we have planned to meet at Baby's at 6:30, get dinner, walk through downtown and go chill at Panera. Sasha's parents are still deciding whether or not they're going to let her go.

Unfortunately for me, Ivan was still at Peter's, and I said some things that were not necessarily mean, but I have a feeling Ivan is going to bring them back tonight at random times like he does sometimes. And he says I bring back the past.

Well, I have nothing more to say, I hope my parents get home so I can go downtown, and hopefully the weather will get better.


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