Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-01-20 - 3:09 p.m. - Ugliest Beanies Ever

Hey you all...

Last nite Sasha, Peter, Ivan and I ended up just going to the mall, although I didn't really want to go to the mall, (couchlastweekcough)But, I was totally wrong because this time it was way way amazing.

I came around 6:20, went to the bathroom to fix my screwed up lipstick. And my screwed up hair. Met Peter and Ivan at 6:30, then Sasha turned up a few minutes later. We walked around for a while, went to Express first. Made fun of the expensive clothes, and looked at the jewelry. Sasha and I were done looking, and the guys still were. Sasha must have said "We're going!" Almost a million times, but they didn't budge, so we left.

K.B. is right next to Express, so Sasha and I stopped, and looked at a bin of beanie babies. They were the ugliest things I have ever seen. Sasha said, "I feel so bad for them, I want to buy one!" I think they were three for five dollars... I'm happy they weren't around for Christmas, if I would have seen one under the tree or in a stocking, I swear I would have screamed and ran. There was a peacock with a flat ass, and all of them had messed up noses. There was a camel with a neck that bent. I held it up and Sasha and I just laughed, I was crying... it was so funny. The guys finally came out, and there Sasha and I were, laughing our asses off at these stupid beanie babies. They walked over and started making fun of them too, the four of mus must have spent ten minutes standing there, weeding through the bin and picking up a bunch of the beanie babies and just laughing.

After that we went to Victoria's Secret. We walked through and looked at the bras, and panties (lol, the gel bra, "very realistic" according to ivan), Peter's face was kinda red the whole time, although he had already been in that store with just Sasha and I before. I felt bad for sasha cuz the guys kept makin comments about her lil boobs. No comments were made about mine, thank goodness. They're not small and not big, which is good.

As we were leaving the store (oh, this is so funny), Sasha and I were behind Peter and Ivan. Ivan had his coat draped over his arm. Dangling from the hood was a pair of pink granny underwear on a hanger, oh, that was hilarious. Sasha and I started laughing so hard, and Ivan and Peter began to run out of the store. We yelled something like "Ivan, don't leave the store!" because if he were to leave, the alarm would go off. Anyway, he looked down and saw the pink granny undewear hanging from his jacket, he fell over half laughing, with his face all red. Sasha picked it up and put it back on a rack and we went to Hot Topic. Hung around in there for a while, then went to Gadzooks. Major sale, there was this shirt I've wanted ever since I saw it, it wasonly 1.59. Sales! Gotta love 'em. The guys randomly left, so Sasha and I went to Deb to check out the dresses. They guys eventually found us, Peter had got Sasha the "Alli" CD, or however you spell it and we went for pizza. Peter spit straws at us. Dummy. It was fun though, we sat in there and laughed about everything, including the people who looked at us funny.

"Ohhhh, they're teenagers, I'll bet they're up to no good!"

After that, Sasha and I went back to Deb and the guys randomly left. We tried on dresses, Sasha tried on a pink one that looked really good on her. I tired on a tigh blue one that I had to suck in to oblivian to look half decent, and a red one that wouldhave looked nice if my boobs weren't too big for it. As Sasha and I were changing, she said "You know, I was looking at myself in the mirror, only wearin my underwear and thinking "Sasha, you need boobs!" and I said "I was totally doing the same thing, but thinking, "Liz, you're fat!"" .. "Hello," said Ivan's voice from the outside. Sasha and I laughed so hard, all because we were embarassed. He asked me what I though of the new no doubt cd. I said "dunno" and sasha laughed at me. He left, and we looked at some shirts. Thinking of shirts, I realized I had left my poor 1.59 shirt at the pizza place. Went over there and they didn't have it, so I went back to Deb. Sasha and Ivan were standing at the entrance, Ivan had my shirt in one of his huge pockets and he got me the no doubt cd. Sasha laughed at me, all because i laughed at her when peter got her the alli cd. Peter came eventually and we all sat down on a white bench. Peter and Sasha went to the CD store, and Ivan and I talked about random things. Before they left, Sasha said something to me, I didn't know what it was, but she told me she had said "Don't make out!"... yea, Sasha, in the middle of the mall!

They came back and everything is kind of fuzzy from there, Sasha and I went to Claire's, the guys went and sat on a table, and we headed for Kaffmann's and left.

Got home and talked to Peter, Sasha and Ivan online. Peter wanted me to call him, so I did, and we had a fun conversation, I got to tell him some crap that was bothering me, just to get it out, maybe it won't bother me anymore. mom kicked me off the internet, and I hung up with Peter, then fell asleep.

This morning mom made me clean, but I get 20 dollars for it, I shall be rich. If Teddy doesn't clean this living room in ten minutes, I'm going to do it, and I'll get his ten dollars. Peter is sleeping over at Ivan's tonight, maybe we can hang out or something. (Peter: Behind the apartment buildings, oooooooooooh)... Hmm, wonder what everyone is doing tomorrow? :no school: Anyway, I'm off to finish the floors, ttyl...


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