Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2002-03-06 - 2:24 p.m. - Ivan Needs Help

I woke up at 11 today, and things were going pretty good. I was planning on when to dye my hair, reading a magazine and listening to limp bizkit. Then Teddy comes home and asks to go to the basketball court (with his new, autographed Harlem globe trotters basketball), to hang. So I'm like, cool, whatever. I get my jump rope (haha, I hate running for track, so jump rope works too). And so, on our way there we see Ivan and his mom. Ivan comes with us and we play around the world which I guess is going okay. Teddy starts acting like the immature small child he is, and refuses to share his basketball anymore, sowe kinda stop playing.

I say something along the lines of "Wow, did you read Maria's diary entry?" indirectly reffering to how mean her friends were being. But he sayd "Yeah, 6th grade..." and I say "I thought sixth grade was fun," and, so, our convo goes, he is in italics:

Maria said she hated 6th grade, didn't you hear her, in our convo?" or something like that.

"Obviously not, because I wasn't there"

And, you know, I forget how it developed into a full-fledged fight, but Ivan said some very rude, nasty and just plain mean things to me.

You know, I'm starting to wonder why the people who talk about him and say "Yeah, he's an ass, I don't like him,"... why do they pretend to like him? Because, you know, he is an ass. And not just towards me. He's mean to Andrea, if Sasha was still my friend I'd tell her what he says about her. He makes rude comments to people, he does mean things, and people don't like it, but no one says anything. I want to know why. He's a Marc Mccarey in the making. I don't want to see another USC again.

After you said "Nittany People," Ivan, after I asked you what you meant by that, you didn't answer me. And, why? Because there is no asnwer. Nittany people aren't as fucked as Park Forest people are. Or, maybe just not as fucked as you are. You need help. You have got to stop being so rude to people. Don't ask me for examples, because unlike some people, I'm not one to remember the bad things people have said and done, but in the past month when I've been around you and other people, you have said and done some things that I've just sat back and thought, "Wow. How rude"...

And the Andrea thing! I know this was way back when accoring to you, but then again, any of your faults, whether they be yesterday or a year ago, are 'way back then'.

But, anyhow- When people told me how you were spitting on her stuff and locking her in a closet, and after her brother kicked you out you found a way back in again, I think that is just horrible. The only thing I can say is, you need help. Worse than I ever needed help. And, we both know that is saying something.

What you said today was uncalled for, rude, mean, and inconsiderate. I'm not going to start insulting you back now, because that won't get me anywhere. All I can say to you is, that I'm disappointed that you would say all those mean things to me, and how you would feel as if you know Maria more than I do. I might not know all about her, and I might not know what goes through her mind or what she does every day, but I know her. Five years of being her best friend, damn straight I know her. And what do you have? Almost a year od internet conversations. Right. Right- of which you can never be the opposite. Wrong- in your mind I always am. For once, or maybe twice Ivan, realize that you can't be right all the time. Realize that you have go to stop being so mean, so rude to people. You are a horrible person, and you need help. For the twentieth time, you need help. And, don't expect any from me. You- you have worn out your welcome. You have long ago worn out your welcome. You were a good friend over the summer, but now you're just something else for me to make an effort on, and I'm tired of it. I'm tired of trying to be nice to you, I'm tired of you being rude to me, I'm tired of seeing you be rude to other people. I'm tired of being in a good mood only so you can ruin it, i'm tired of you strutting your cocky self in and ruining anything and everything park forest people have going for them. You're turning this happy little anarchy into Germany before world war two. I may as well start calling you hitler. And, you know, the only other person I reffered to as a little hitler all my life was Marc Mccarey. Every day I see more and more simlarities in your character with his. Unfortunately you don't know him, but if you did, you'd know what I was talking about. He took people for granted, stepped on people he thought weren't as good as him, was rude to people, and yet everyone pretended to like him.

You know what you are, Ivan? You are nothing but an immature, insecure little bully. I pity you.- wait, no I don't. I used to, when people would talk about you, and say how mean you are and make fun of you behind your back, I'd feel bad for you and say things like, "Oh, come on guys, that's not true," and all of that, but you have pushed me too fucking far. I don;t feel bad for you anymore, I want you to mvoe far, far away. Make my day. Make state college's day. Get the hell out of here.

What goes around comes around.

... You said I sounded like Sasha. Well, you know, most people sound like Sasha when they've just been wrongly insulted for no reason. You want me to get a life? I think I will. A life without you, a life with hapiness.

I think I'll use your little comeback, the one you used to always say...

"You know what, Ivan, go fuck yourself"


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