Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-10-01 - 8:18 p.m. - mahhh

I am just now finding out that homecoming is on the 12th and not the 19th. I really don't know my date very well... stupid early homecoming.

Lately things have been good. I've been talking to so many different people these days, it's great. I've been so tired lately, though. WOW yesterday was so fun! Okay, after school me and Laura Rubin, with her sister(Nicole) and some senior named Mike went in his car for a random drive around State College. We saw the Simballa kid a lot (not Luke, his older brother who hasn't whacked off for two weeks for like, 10 dollars or something- it was the weirdest thing). Then we walked around a little. Laura has a crush on the senior and he likes her too I think, they were flirting and stuff. I kinda lost it in Panera and was acting strangely- wow, I love Laura. We went back to the highschool around 645ish because Mike and Nicole are in the marching band, Laura was flirting with Mike and I was sitting there watching all the band people walk by to do their band things. Nate came over and talked to us for a little while, which was cool. Then him and Mike had to leave. Laura and I did our homework and hung out until it was over, it was cool talking to her about stuff and uh, 'buying soda' which we actually did do, but it sounded funny when I said we did it. I got home at 9:40, mom was mad, I didn't care:-)

Today was pretty cool, I hung around with Marlee and Abby at lunch like I always do- grr I only saw Lauren like 2 times. She needs to get our notebook from her mom- but it sucks, see I feel kinda like we are drifting apart and I don't want us to. Sunday she came downtown with me when I got my homecoming dress- I know like everyone has a black dress, but I didn't really want another color I guess- I want black this time around- I have a flaming pink one for the next dance, teheheh. It's the hottest dress, I got it from GIA- and excuse me being cocky but it fits mad good. I had to save babysitting money up, (which was easy considering who I work for) and plus it was on sale too, so-heh, I actually did not spend a fortune.

I had an editor's kinda meeting today- the Sophmore and Senior section editor told me, Brooke and Poloma what we will be doing this year. Brooke and I are going to work tomorrow during 6th period. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up, she didn't come for a long time- Kevin came and talked to me for a while, it was cool, he's a funny kid.

I got home, and Teddy came home on the late bus from bowling and he says "Some kid with a spot on his nose knew where we lived and told the bus driver!"

I said "That's Lee Curtis..."

I'll have to thank Lee tomorrow for directing my little brother.

I'm such a retard around Teddy, I sit there and laugh at the stupidest stuff and say dumb stuff,- he's so hilarious, like- I grabbed on to his ankle (i was laying on the ground) and he pointed his finger at me and said "pow" and just looked at me... then looked up and said in an Indian accent "I haf shot her, sir, but she weel not die- shee is like a cockaroach-" and I burst out laughing, it was so hilarious.

Hmm, me Brooke and Poloma get to put together a team to help us out with the Freshman section... sweet, we're like bosses.

Anyway... hmm, Sarah Park is rreeallly mad at me- see, she wants to go to homecoming with who I'm going with- she can have him, no big deal, plus doesnt she already have a date? ah whatever.:-P

I'm so tired-


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