Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2002-10-03 - 4:37 p.m. - La...

Looking at this emtpy diaryland box thing depresses me, or maybe I'm just tired and I need a nap, or maybe I'm not getting enough sleep at all- but I have so much homework, it's almost impossible to fathom how long it will take me tonight.

Not much has been changing lately. Remember the Kevin (the sophmore who Lauren introduced me to) I had talked to Tuesday? He thinks I'm going to homecoming with him- uh, what?? I am supposedly going with the Nate kid- but he never talks to me, and I hate wasting time on someone who I honestly don't think is interested. Sometimes he seems like he is, and sometimes he acts like he doesn't know me, like I'm one of those weird ugly girls that goes up to him every day, bats their crusty eyelashes and says "Hiiiiiii Naaaaaatttttttttee". Keith stopped writing me notes. I kinda wish he still would, he was a cool kid, nice to correspond with- we never hung out, I kinda wish we would have but not really, I don't know. Isn't this what I wanted last year? MN guys? Bah.

I might not even show up to homecoming at all, just let my two dates wonder around aimlessly- well, Kevin will wonder around aimlessly, Nate wouldn't even talk to me if I was there most likely. "Let's go play hackey sack in a corner then run off and skate somewhere!" ('skating comes first' right sasha? ahh...)

I was laughing stupidly as I wrote all of that, it's most likely not true, but now I have to decide who to go to homecoming with. I'm wasting all this energy on nate for nothing ("I'm marrying my skateboard, and we're going to have a hackey sack- we shall name it Pike if it is a boy hackey sack, or Sherona if it is a girl hackey sack"). and here's kevin, coming out and saying "guess what, I'm interested in you, blah blah, it's obvious etcetc" why do I want nate then? because I can't have him maybe? ehhh whatever

(all my seemingly offensive jokes are to be in good humor...)

Party,- ah, I sit in class and daydream about my party that I'm not even sure if I'll have now, some people can't go already (I haven't handed out invites but I've told people the date and they've had conflicts). Yeah, and Lisa was like "what do you plan on doing?" and I'm thinking "uh, if you're having over 100 people at a party, do you really need to structure something?" it's um, a "haloween costume birthday party" kinda thing, how do you put that on an invite without it looking stupid? There's gonna be prizes for best costume and stuff (or most original, or something else like that. Anyone with more ideas sign the guestbook please, I need all the help I can get... thanks)

My dad was being such an ass yesterday... right when I came home he was ordering "Clean your room! Clean the kitchen, your brother already did some of it" BULLSHIT! Teddy left for his friend's house without doing much of anything at all. yeah. Um, I had this goo-goo dolls song in my head all day, it's pretty cool, I'm gonna get the right lyrics and post it on my profile

Hmm, I am only thinking about homework and homecoming now, and also feeling very content to be home.


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