Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-05-21 - 5:49 p.m. - FIRRSTTT interview and other such things

Today was good

School was cool. (school-cool-rhymes...haha). Anyway. I was in a good mood cuz lately I usually am, even if I'm a little snappy.

Then after school, I ran to the bathroom and got in my lil suit thing. Well, it wasn't really a 'suit', it was more like a skirt and a white button-down top. Dad came and I went to Wegmens for my invterview :aaaaaaaaa:

It went really well! I was SO nervous but you couldn't tell, I swear. I saw Sam there, he had told me what to expect kind of, I wonder what he does, anyway? 17 year olds get to do cool stuff, whereas 15 year olds are just cashiers, but it's cool. It actually sounds fun.

They're holding off hiring 15 year olds until the Summer, when we get to be trained for a week, then we get to start. I hope I get a job, it sounds awesome, and Wegmens definitely seems like a good place to work.

and she says BABY... it's 3am, I must be lonely...

I love matchbox20. All these old songs remind me of Maria and Em and USC and beanie babies and Maria's basement and the fact that she's been Mar15241 forever and how I never was really into this band until I heard 3am and loved it.

she says baby...well, i can't help but be scared of it allll sometimes... and the rain's gonna wash away, I believe...

Anyhow. After some breif shopping at Wegmens, I went tanning. Andrea was sad and didn't come with me, so I REALLY hope we got to go Sunday. We got Baloons for the party. I invited a few more random people just because I felt like it.

Last night when I was looking for a song that Andrea told me to download, I found another song called Summer Beats, it's awesome, I wanna get this song and some others on a CD fer the party.

We had a sweet sub today in math. Laura kinda flipped because she likes that guy and he's cool, and the test we took... I don't know if it was easy, or I just understood it. I wonder if the diagonals in a square bisect the angles? I know they bisect each other, but I'm not sure about the angles. I hope they do.

Hessan said that I should have a mirror in my locker called "Hessan's Mirror". It should say HESSAN'S in huge letters and "mirror" in teeny letters below. He's a crazy kid.

I still need to start on my atrifacts project. I'm doing Tutankhamen's headdress, totally making it myself out of clay and paints. I think it might be fun.

My boob hurts.

I'm so excited for Kennywood day. Maria and I have decided that we're going to go on the SKYCOASTERRRRRR.... which is the ONE thing we'd never do (well, that and the paddle boats, but we only didn't do those because they looked boring haha).

Maria is so awesome, and so is Emily.. I can't wait to see them, not even a tad.

I want school to be over, too. Wow. I can...feeeelll the summer. (meaning I fall asleep in class and don't pay attention when I'm awake). How I'm managing to get A's, I don't know, probably because I know deep down I HAVE to work nomatter what.

I have the awesomest underwear on. It has STOP signs all over it and the bandy thing says STOP STOP STOP on it...hahahah I love them, so I refuse to put pants on.

This song..reminds me of Abercrombie, and the summer, of course. It makes me think of downtown, and the goodwill for some odd reason... and... just, it reminds me of last summer, a friend I had then, and other things. Arts Fest. Walking around at night doing nothing and everything at the same time.

I hope this summer is as memorable as last one.

We didn't always have a 'kick-ass crazy' time, and then I thought we were so boring...but looking back, I can realize my true feelings. I always do that.. I center on the negative, but then look back to realize that I was happy, and content, and the people around me were wonderful, deep people who made me think and made me happy and made me feel like I was alright, and just being me was good enough. I see her in school every once in a while, and him and I kind of talk but not really, since he has a friend who makes a living out of coersing him to hate everyone that she does (which is a lot of people, I don't know how they manage).

Anyway, off that topic. I really want to work on my project and mom is all OOOHHH HUNNY TELL ME HOW THE INTTERRVIEWWW WENNNTTT AWWW... wow please, mom.

A bunch of people on my bus invited themselves to my party haha. Well, maybe just two, but they're cool.

let it rock, let it roll...

hold on to 16 as long as you can, changes come along real soon, make us women and men-

good song.

I have a splotch on the side of my leg where it doesn't tan.

I need to start living for NOW and stop reminiscing. I am living for now kinda... sure. I still think about the summer, I still think about Nate, I still think about Laura and the fall and homecoming and downtown and crazy things I did way back when... but, I don't dwell. I'm done with the dwelling. The summer is over. Me and Nate are long over, and he's changed so much, he's not nearly the same person as he used to be, which only helps. Homecoming was a great point in my life and I was SO happy, but I'm happy now, too.

Mom is screaming about something or other. Augh.

I feel kinda bad for her, though. Her job isn't working out.

you've grown colder now, torn apart, angry, turned around, did that whole..mad season..knock you down?

I need you now

do you think you can cope

you've figured me out

i'm a child, and I'm hopelessssss...

I'm gonna go


and, I come this MAD SEASON

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