Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-05-25 - 11:41 a.m. - Lei Woe and Sunday Plans

goooooood morning


if any of you have ever had a cat in heat in your house, you'd know how irritating it is.

Shady needs spaid. She wants out to go have kitty sex. Of course we won't let her... where would the kittens go to?

It's a pretty nice day out. I hope next Saturday is like this.

So, last night mom and I went shopping for the party. (dad and Teddy were there too, but they were doing their own thing). First I see these sweet light things at big lots, and mom turns down all of them- it made me a little sad because, well, they're awesome and I thought they'd look so good in my yard, but mom was like "I'll find lights don't worryy!!"...her taste in everything sucks. Kind of.

then we go to the party shop. HERE's the big kahuna.

So, we go to the aisles with the hawaiin stuff, I get a grass skirt and some random decorations. They had lights but mom was like "noooooo too expensiveeee" (they were 9.99)

and then we get to the aisle with the leis that were cheaper. There was this bulk back with 129 leis or something, and it was 25.00. I was like "PERFECT!" and she said 25 BUCKS ON LEIS UM I DONT THINK SO NO WAY I AM NOOOOTOTOTO SPENDING THAT KIND OF MONEY ON LEIS. That was disheartening. They were like 39 cents for one, and mom thinks 40 people are coming, so she was like "That would be about 15 dollars I DONT THINK SO".

So how many did she end up letting me get?

15. There are a LOT of people coming, and now I'm going to have to say something that sounds SO stupid since it's my party and not anyone else's, but here goes:

Bring your own leis...?


Oh, and also, when I brought the leis up to the desk, she COUNTED THEM. Right infront of everyone and it took her FOREVER. She was like "oonnnee...twoooo"

me: "MOM. there are 15 there"

Then the store clerks rang them up but kept 3 green ones out. Mom flipped and said "DID YOU GET 18? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO GET FIF-"

"sorry ma'am," the clerk said, "the green ones need rang up differently"

me: "MOM!!!! You counted them yourself!"

because, youknow, it would be SUCH a catastrophe if I tried to slip SIXTEEN leis by her.

We left the store and I was about to cry. 15 leis?!?!? I have like 3 in my room, which makes 18... I really really wish I had more money, I would so buy that value pack. It'd be perfect.

Mom started off to pier one and was like "DONT EXPECT ME TO BUY YOU ANYTHING HERE" and I said "Who says I'm coming with YOU" and went to barnes&noble. I sat down with dad until he was done reading. We walked over to pier 1.

Here is the mucho kahuna.

Mom had met Mrs. Bargo, and I was sure they were laughing about the 'fight' mom and I had just gotten in. (Mrs. Bargo has a teenage daughter, too, so they often joke about their 'horrors' together). It was confirmed when they walked to the mouth of the store and mom said, "Oh look, my daughter hates me, hahah" and Mrs. Bargo said, "Oh i KNOW, denise! Look at her FACE! :giggle," I said, "thanks,"...and they both broke out into laughter as dad, Teddy and I walked away...slightly annoyed.

I cried in the car. Nobody cared.

We got to Mike's and I rented Girl Interrupted and dad and Teddy looked for the Matrix, but they didn't have it. Teddy got some Monty Python movie and a video game.

We went to Blockbuster and they didn't have the Matrix either.

So. We went home, I was still pretty sad because the night had sucked in general. Everyone had Imed me and told me about their plans but nobody invited me anywhere (Andrea would have...but she had her reasons). And, Eddy was having some party and I wasn't invited even though he was invited to mine. I HATE it when people do that.

Jan sad I should just go, but I thought that might be rude.

Friday night was fun, though. Lauren and I went to the boulsburg carnival (which was expensive and somewhat fun). We saw Aleisha and her friend there, Casey and Jess and Casey's cousin person. We went on some really fun ride with them... and then we saw Laura Day with a bunch of people and she came with us onto the rounduppish ride. After that, we went onto the gravitron ride (I forget its name). But yeah... it was 4 tickets and basically I had spent 7 bucks riding all those rides.

Nick was there. We kinda hung with him.

Saw a lot of people I knew and waved... it was nice to see them since I normally don't outside of school.

Oh yeah, and we played bingo before we rode the rides. It was retarded but I loved it.

I dunno, we hung out. Jared the asshole die die die you asshole was there with his ew girlfriend and her ew friends. Jaclees was there, he talked to Lauren and Jared looked mad, well POOP ON YOU, YOU BUTT. Lauren gave Jaclees her number, and Tommy came and talked to Laura and I... (Laura was looking for Kelly, though).

I took pictures of alot of things. A kid on the roundup told me to look to my side during it and it was SO COOL, so I took a picture of it.

So today. I think Andrea and I are going tanning, then to the party store and stuff while mom and Teddy see the Matrix. Then we'll come back to my house, freshen up and the Pandemic guys are probably coming over to see where they're gonna set up next week. I should call one of them soon...

I also need to finish cleaning my room.

Well! I guess that's all is going on at the moment.

haha I almost wrote "leave a message"... I'm a loser.

WELL. Mom keeps saying "clean this clean that". PAY ME FOR IT AND I WILL. Hahah I need money.

I'm out


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