Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-11-05 - 11:22 p.m. - SECHZEHN

"these are the best days of our lives"

they're not lying when they say that.

i don't ever wanna grow up, or go to college, i'h happy the way things are

man, the beginning of this week was horrible. nobody really knows, but something incredibly dumb and very avoidable happened saturday night and Andrea and i were in a...tiff..sort of thing? i called it a falling out. it was seriously ..just..bad. monday i wore my glasses and went to school with my hair wet, which is so uncharacteristic of me, i just...didn't care. tuesday was blah and mellow, but we talked tuesday night, and... things were better again

lately I had been staying with Nate and Carl at the North building for lunch... I have algebra2 there the period before, so I just stay, we go to the roar store and get cup noodles then sit on the floor (haha). Ben and Allyson are there too, wow, we have so much fun, and North is just so much better. It's so chill. I went to South It was loud, and annoying, and stuffy, I'm definitely meeting up with all of them and staying at North tomorrow. I have a lot of other friends over there too, like Dan, Matt and them, and that George kid who just floats around.

Well, in less than half an hour, I'll be 16. For a while it felt odd thinking that I'd be sixteen, since that age seems to denote so much maturity. Monday and Tuesday though...they forced me to grow up a little.

To ..think, and reflect, and write, and realize things about myself. Maybe I do feel 16 now, I'm not sure...

I'm psyched for this Andrea gift though! How crazy is this gonna be! I'm giving her a gift on Saturday (because I didn't get her one for her birthday cos I had no money, but now I have hopefully I can live up to whatever tomorrow brings)

The invitations are all out. Most decorations are bought and whatever food is not bought is being planned on. The basement still needs cleaned, but no bother, it's not even that bad. The band situation is not fully figured out yet. Mom hasn't been stressing, which is good. Maybe we can get this one to be fun for once.

Of course, the girls are coming over early (I just said "the girls". you know, that term sounds so weird on me. i didn't know what else to do though! name them?)- well, Andrea, Laura and Hillary are coming over early, (Andrea first though! she is VIP. Kinda like P I M P but without the P I M and with the V I).

And then... DAN STEVE AND KEVIN COME! eheheeeh!! dan and steve are the acoustic act, and I'm practically in love with Kevin (kind of have been since I met him) that should be fun, those guys are awesome

then the bands come to set up! Exciting!

and then...everyone comes! ahhhh!!!

and ...after the party.. "the girls/ MYYY grrls" and I are gonna have some fun of our own... and no, that is not sexual. Or maybe it is. Who knows!

I took off work all weekend, so we can sleep in and take a lot of pictures and jsut have too much fun Saturday night.

Because Liz is 16, so of course we have to go wild.

when Laura and Andrea turn's gona be crazy since they're at the same time. Imagine THAT party. and Hillary, I don't know if she's still having one or not.

ohhhman I ordred the first Collective Soul CD online last night for 45 cents. How awesome is that.

10 minutes till my birthday

I have math homework to do!

and English!

damnit i need another study hall

choir tomorrow... i wouldn't mind that class so much if it didn't take up my study hall time.

Today, in English we were working on grammar. The sentance was " My neghbor sells pickles and pigs feet" and we had to add an adjective clause. Trevor Swope said "My neighbor, who has no taste buds, sells pickles and pigs feet". Cliff Cunningham said "My neighbor, who has no friends, sells pickles and pigs feet,"...and Bruno said "My neighbor, who has no LIFE, sells pickles and pigs feet"

-I thought it was funny! haha

I wanna get my permit tomorrow. Mom is being a stick in the mud about getting it, I mean honestly, this is my PERMIT. I haven't even taken driver's ed yet, I don't know shit about driving, and they wouldn't ever even drop by the DMV to get that book, and they say I'M lazy. They never want to do anything.

HAHA today in WH- Wes Hall and I are talking, and he asks "so you turn 16 tomorrow...are you going to get your permit?" and I say, "I don't know, I might," and he says "Well, some people... leave 4th period to get it..and just don't come back"

hahaha he made it sound all mysterious, like they died or something.

hey world

guess what



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