Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-12-24 - 3:03 p.m. - christmas EVEeeee

LOTS of sleep last night! I feel wonderful.

Today, I've been cleaning and hanging out with Teddy, and I might go make some cookies. Later on we're going out to eat for dad's birthday, and then we're going to mass for christmas, I think.


I'm not THAT excited about it. Sometimes I wish I was.

Last night was retarded. It seems like we can never make plans anymore, and when we finally do... one of us can't go (which is the leading reason), or Lance wants to hang out with Andrea.

So, she went with Lance and I went first with my parents to Wegmans- we spent so much freaking time in there, since you know, I NEVER do. I was tired and hungry and I wanted my sub but they had to buy it first!

Then home, talked to people online before I totally konked out. Sleep was so nice.


I still need to mop the floor.

and then I'm gonna tidy my room because it needs it...haha. If I don't, it will get amazingly messy and back to where it was before I cleaned it on that snow day we had. (IT WAS HORRIBLE!)

not the snow day, my room

it kinda sucks that I have math, english and WH homework hanging over my head. I should only have WH but I was lazy all last week and didn't do the math and english that I should have.

WELL it's the first day of break! I'm excited for it.

I think Friday during the day I'll see Andrea and maybe Laura, then I leave for PGH that night and I'm there till Sunday night- then the next week is going to be major hanging out with friends ness! Hopefully we'll finally go see Mona Lisa Smile (if they see it without me I'll be mad!),- we have YET to do a 'just the 3 of us', Andrea Laura and I. WEBETTER. and I wanna hang out with Robbie, and MitchnDan, and Nate, and Bruno- I wonder what I'll do for new years...haha whoa, all this free time is making me crazzyyy(in a GOOD way).

hmm yeah I should get that floor mopped and such-


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