Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2004-02-03 - 1:24 a.m. - PESSIMISM

whoaaaa it's like 1:30 in the morning, I should not be updating, i'm never in a good mood at this time.

The movie 13. Wow. You're almost under the impression that she's older than that throughout the movie- but she's not. She's in seventh grade, and all those things happen. It's so sad, it's just...the most... cliff hanging movie I have ever watched, the most cliffhanging storyline-

it's almost as if you can see yourself in her, you can see all the mistakes YOU have made, you can feel the aftermath in which you're reflecting upon your actions and wondering... how... did I get myself into this, I can't believe this has happened to ME.

it's beautiful.

but so depressing.


school=going relatively well. Just wish I had more time. School off tomorrow would be wonderful.

nice message, eh? fuck that! I should have SAID that to you already. I really don't think you are worth my time. Honestly, in the depths of my head and heart, I can feel myself wasting energy on you. For a while it ceased, it stopped, and I have no clue why... it just...did. Which was wonderful.

I have so many other things to center my attention on. Things that will give back to me what I put into it, or more so. School! Homework, grades,- there's something. Track. Although I'm not sure if I'll do spring now or not, I can't take that negative energy from our 'captain' who runs down the track screaming "FUCKIN MOVE, JESUS CHRIST!" during the WARM UP and then gets very angry when she is told that she shouldn't speak like that to her team, for she is the captain.

ha. fuck that too.

I have purple hair. bitch.

yeah, I'm not in a good mood.

fuck! I REALLY don't want school tomorrow!

SNOW, DAMNIT! why in hell would everyone make a fuckin huge deal out of a snowstorm if it ISN'T HAPPENING. Please, I need it to snow, I'm so screwed if it doesn't, I'm so screwed if we have school.

so of course, we'll have school.

that's how the world IS.

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