Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2005-03-20 - 9:18 p.m. - YAY

so, this weekend was alright. Friday was night fun. Saturday night was uhh... whatever. But Matt came over later and that pretty much made it better. I hadn't seen him for a long time, and I jumped on him when he walked in. I was so happy to see him, he thought I was drunk.
I've been happy lately. I kind of like school. I like Hillary a-bunches. I like the Laurens a lot. and the Laura and Jesthpa. They're funnay. And hot.
and dinner is provided at prom which is really cool.
and Matt, Teddy and I saw the ring 2 second time..and Matt paid for Teddy and that was so nice of him. I think he's really trying hard to gain back my respect. His affection shows in all the times he kisses my forehead and sneaks up behind me to smell my hair. I fell asleep on his arm during the movie and I remember him holding my head and playing with my hair...It was really nice and made me so happy.
Last night, right before I left, there was some loud sounding bang out on my balcony. It was probably the cat, but I was real scared. Matt was like "I'll go look!" all brave-like, opened the door, and looked around. Shady ran in, flustered as could be. IT was fun.
I kneeled on my bed and hugged him before he left. He kept kissin my forehead, my cheeks, my neck...saying.. it's so hard to leave you and it honestly took him 10 or 20 minutes to ACUTALLY leave. It was really great and just like old times when he'd come over. It's so hard to say bye to him, even if it's only until I see him the next day!
and anyway. life is good. I like Honest Tea's Kashmiri Chai. I'm a happy person. UH. I smell like tanning lotion. I wrote poems look!

Hillary Ward
is a sexy girl
Sometimes she
Has her hair curled
Sometimes we
Go out on the town
And once I
ate her out
Hillary ward
Is a good friend
I'll be yo pizzay
till the end.

Lauren Machon
Rocks my socks
She's mad cool
Has lots of rocks
Lauren Machon
Is an AWESOME friend
We'll go get skin cancer together
Until the end. When we die of it. That is.

Jesthpa Thorpe
Has cute bangs
Shes fun and cool
And loves her Dave
Jesthpa Thorpe-
be my friend???
wait, you are.
until the end!

okay bye

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bipolar eh - 5:46 a.m. , 2006-04-29

dar - 12:33 p.m. , 2006-04-17

fun - 12:29 a.m. , 2006-02-20

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