Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-12-19 - 11:45 p.m. - MooCw and my day as usual

MooCw is like, my dream guy. I talked to him for a while tonite, for the first time in a long time. He's nice, he's cool, has a great sense of humor, (or it seems that way), he is in the same sort of math class I am ('cept he's doing slopes right now. sucks to be him!), he has read some of the cooks I have read... He plays football!!!! He claims that he works out, I'll be getting his picture soon (which shall determine that), he's so easy to talk to! I want him to come visit PA sometime.

Sooo.. been writing the Dupont for the past while, or I was, but MooCw signed on. I saced the convo, maybe I'll paste it in here.

MooCW87: hey

FemmeFatale 879: I hate the dupont. so so much. leave me a message.

FemmeFatale 879: hey you!

FemmeFatale 879: what's been up?

FemmeFatale 879: it's beena whilE

MooCW87: hi!

MooCW87: yta

MooCW87: ya*

MooCW87: i can get a pic this week!

FemmeFatale 879: yes!!!

MooCW87: YA!

MooCW87: so what's been up

FemmeFatale 879: i didn't have the internet at my house for a few weeks

FemmeFatale 879: that's why i haven't been on

MooCW87: oh...

MooCW87: that sucks

FemmeFatale 879: also, the teachers are really laying down the work on us, and i have hada lot of work

FemmeFatale 879: I'm doing an essay now, the dupont

MooCW87: hey im gettin dsl tommaro

MooCW87: ya

MooCW87: im studying too

MooCW87: i gotta huge mid-term tommaro

FemmeFatale 879: damn.

FemmeFatale 879: i have a music project due like RIGHT after break

FemmeFatale 879: and it's a huge essay as well

FemmeFatale 879: teachers!


FemmeFatale 879: sucks emu balls

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: christmas shopping has been horrible,

MooCW87: hey i went ice skating 4 the 1st time ever last week!

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: did you really???

MooCW87: ya o know

FemmeFatale 879: how was it??

MooCW87: ya

MooCW87: it was so fun

MooCW87: i kicked all my friends asses cause im way better than them

MooCW87: cause i roller blade...well used to

MooCW87: i only fell like once

FemmeFatale 879: that is so amazing, if i ever meet you i wanna go skating with you

FemmeFatale 879: we had a skating party this monday nite

MooCW87: cool

FemmeFatale 879: and everyone went and only me and this jason kid could skate

FemmeFatale 879: it was fun

FemmeFatale 879: soooo.. tell me about your life

MooCW87: well

MooCW87: im gettin a C in s.s

MooCW87: and i toatily know my shit

MooCW87: but my teacher is a tight ass

MooCW87: but other than that...fine

FemmeFatale 879: if her ass is so tight, how's she get it over her head every day?

MooCW87: hows urs

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: hmm..

MooCW87: omg;-)

FemmeFatale 879: ?

MooCW87: nm

MooCW87: hey u know my sis at college?

FemmeFatale 879: uh

FemmeFatale 879: what about her?

MooCW87: u know west point

MooCW87: she is commin hi=ome

MooCW87: 4 the 1st time in a year

FemmeFatale 879: that is amazing!!!!

MooCW87: she is so awsome

FemmeFatale 879: that is amazing!!!!!!

FemmeFatale 879: oh, sorry

FemmeFatale 879: :is there an echo in here?:

MooCW87: huh?

MooCW87: lool

FemmeFatale 879: how are your grades in school?

MooCW87: sucky

MooCW87: i got 2 C's and som A's and B's

FemmeFatale 879: hey. it's all good

MooCW87: ya

MooCW87: i took a break this semistr

MooCW87: how r urs

FemmeFatale 879: eh?

FemmeFatale 879: hmm, A in algebra, A in ss, A in science, A in like everything but English

FemmeFatale 879: i am doing bad in english... the teacher is bad

MooCW87: fuck u

FemmeFatale 879: :scapegoat:

FemmeFatale 879: sorry!!!

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: fuck me? ooh, pleasE?

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: jk

MooCW87: hell ya

MooCW87: j/k

MooCW87: y is ur E's always cap

FemmeFatale 879: no idea

FemmeFatale 879: i have on of those lil iMac keyboards

FemmeFatale 879: never know what I'm pressing

MooCW87: oh

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: so what is ur e-mail address so i can send u my pic in a couple of days

FemmeFatale 879: [email protected]

FemmeFatale 879: didn't i send you my pic already?

MooCW87: cool...thnx

MooCW87: ya u did

MooCW87: ur so hot

FemmeFatale 879: lol!! thanks

MooCW87: ur like... DAMN!

MooCW87: 8-)

FemmeFatale 879: lol!! seriously?

MooCW87: ya

MooCW87: fuck y = mx+b

MooCW87: holy damn

FemmeFatale 879: what is that?

FemmeFatale 879: algebra...?

MooCW87: point slope equaion

MooCW87: ya

MooCW87: algebra:'(

FemmeFatale 879: i don't think you can figure that out with just y=mx+b

FemmeFatale 879: you have to know what those variables mean, atleast two of them i think?

MooCW87: no u need the y intercept and the yslope

MooCW87: or somthing

FemmeFatale 879: ouch. what grade are you in again?

MooCW87: i mean ya

MooCW87: 8

MooCW87: u?

FemmeFatale 879: but you're taking 9th grade math?

MooCW87: noalgebra

FemmeFatale 879: at my school that's 9yj grade

MooCW87: i wish i were a freshman....

FemmeFatale 879: 8th grade math is intro

MooCW87: lol...oh ok

FemmeFatale 879: i am taking ninth grade math and 9th grade english (i hate it!!)

MooCW87: imy friends r in algebra 2 and geo-trig

MooCW87: i am in 9th english though

FemmeFatale 879: my friends- some are in intro, some are in my class, some are in algebra 2, some ar ein geometry

FemmeFatale 879: smart kids i know

FemmeFatale 879: i hate english

MooCW87: do u have R.E.A.C.H. on penn

FemmeFatale 879: huh?

MooCW87: 8in*

FemmeFatale 879: no

MooCW87: oh ok

FemmeFatale 879: what are you doing in English right now?

MooCW87: um

MooCW87: grammar

MooCW87: mostly

MooCW87: and reading stupid books

FemmeFatale 879: ...I'm at the page in my algebra book called "slope".... it says slope = vertical change(rise)/horizontal change (run)

FemmeFatale 879: that's so easy!

MooCW87: ya

FemmeFatale 879: I have to write a 1000 page essay or something about life on mars

FemmeFatale 879: in a week

FemmeFatale 879: UGH

MooCW87: im at the end of that chapter

FemmeFatale 879: what algebra book do you have?

MooCW87: loum

MooCW87: it is green...

FemmeFatale 879: mine is purple with a plane on the front, it says "Algebra" in yellow letters

FemmeFatale 879: i have math homework, - Ill do it later, still have to finish this paragraph

MooCW87: mine shows a building

FemmeFatale 879: mine has a graph too

FemmeFatale 879: it;s by the company "prentince hall"

FemmeFatale 879: "tools for a changing world"

FemmeFatale 879: DAAAAA I am so happy we're not at slopes yet

FemmeFatale 879: that's going to be hell

MooCW87: mine is "addison weisly"

FemmeFatale 879: oph, now aren't you special.**

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: quadratic equatinns and gona fuck me up bad!!!!!

FemmeFatale 879: i can hanlde like ratios and proportions and the less than equal then is okay- wtf are quadratic equations

FemmeFatale 879: there is a "quadratic functions..."

MooCW87: some thing a guy just fucked up enough to understand came up with

FemmeFatale 879: i hate those people

MooCW87: me to!

FemmeFatale 879: they make easy math into nearly impossible math

FemmeFatale 879: then they get famous

FemmeFatale 879: :woo. hoo.:

MooCW87: ya i will kill ALL of them some day!

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: YESS too bad theyre already dead

MooCW87: not all of em'

FemmeFatale 879: oh, really?

MooCW87: fuckin rip off there nut sack

MooCW87: iff they have one

FemmeFatale 879: guys who work with math (pussies)

FemmeFatale 879: have no nut sacks

FemmeFatale 879: lol! yes.

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: omg i remember over the summer

FemmeFatale 879: i was at camp

FemmeFatale 879: and there was this dude who was diving of the board

FemmeFatale 879: and he was wearing a speedo

FemmeFatale 879: and he had perfect posture and everything

FemmeFatale 879: and all the guys in the pool were yeliun g "PUSSY!!!"

FemmeFatale 879: it was sorta funny but i guess you had to be there

MooCW87: once i was at band camop and i stuck a flute up my...!

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: PuThheee!!

MooCW87: no i bolieve u

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: Graph this quadratic function: f(x)=5 - 4x - x2

FemmeFatale 879: x to the second power

FemmeFatale 879: not x2

MooCW87: um...

MooCW87: fuck that shit

FemmeFatale 879: that's actually easy, and i ca do it all by myself with the help of my graphing calculator

FemmeFatale 879: :snort:

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: ur hallarious

FemmeFatale 879: uh?

FemmeFatale 879: really?

MooCW87: ya...

FemmeFatale 879: what books are you reading in english?

MooCW87: welcome to the ark

MooCW87: and the rifel

FemmeFatale 879: never heard of them

FemmeFatale 879: have you heard of Charlie Skedaddal?

FemmeFatale 879: or howver its spelled

MooCW87: me neither before last week

MooCW87: i dunno...

FemmeFatale 879: you have?

MooCW87: nop

FemmeFatale 879: it's a horrible book.

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: hd to read it in 5th grade

FemmeFatale 879: i still hold a grudge.

FemmeFatale 879: you ever read Agatha Christie, and then there were none?

MooCW87: nop

FemmeFatale 879: it's a good book

FemmeFatale 879: i sound like a nerd, don't i?

MooCW87: have u ever read holes

FemmeFatale 879: yes!

FemmeFatale 879: in 5th grade!

FemmeFatale 879: that was such a good book

FemmeFatale 879: my brother is reading it now

MooCW87: the book is awsome!

FemmeFatale 879: i know!!!

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: it really lets you in to that kid's mind

MooCW87: were such geeks

MooCW87: ya it does

FemmeFatale 879: I'm a geek.

FemmeFatale 879: you ever heard of V.C. Andrews?

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: nop

MooCW87: to find the lope and the y-intercept of a line from it's equation, solve the equation for y to get the form y+mx+b.this is called the slope intercept equation. the coefficient of the x-term, m, is the slope, and b, is they-intercept. holly hell...what language

FemmeFatale 879: DAAAA

FemmeFatale 879: no, no no no

FemmeFatale 879: i refuse to even try to understand that

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: t probably means like "add two and three to get five"

MooCW87: ur my hero

FemmeFatale 879: all math language is like that

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: you're like, the coolest guy on this earth

FemmeFatale 879: it sucks you live so far away

MooCW87: thnx

MooCW87: u to

MooCW87: ur also the coolest guy on earth

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: j/k

FemmeFatale 879: wanna see my ten inches?

MooCW87: huh?

FemmeFatale 879: think about that one

MooCW87: GROSE!!!

MooCW87: U GOTTA DICK!?!?!?!

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: oh yeah, a big one

FemmeFatale 879: it just happens to be internal

MooCW87: unless ur talkin bout ur tits lol

FemmeFatale 879: :sarcastic accent:

FemmeFatale 879: daa! my boobs!

MooCW87: haha!

MooCW87: i wana love u all over

MooCW87: j/ki

MooCW87: ur sssoooooooooo much cooler than all the girls @ my school

MooCW87: !!!!!!!!!!

FemmeFatale 879: i don't know any guys like you

FemmeFatale 879: they're all jerks and pimp wanna bes

MooCW87: well thanks... i think

FemmeFatale 879: and no one can even begin to have a normal conversation with me without telling me how they want to rub my boobs and "stick it in there"

FemmeFatale 879: it's gross

FemmeFatale 879: i mean its funny sometimes

MooCW87: well i do

FemmeFatale 879: but... ugh.

FemmeFatale 879: lol!

MooCW87: lol!

MooCW87: i got nuttin aginst "stickin it in there"!!!!!!!

FemmeFatale 879: lol!! shut up.

MooCW87: haha!

FemmeFatale 879: but like, you're cool to talk to too

MooCW87: u 2

FemmeFatale 879: alla them get so boring

MooCW87: i know exactly what u mean!!!!

FemmeFatale 879: all they want to talk about is their family problems and their grades and their girlfriends/boyfriends and themselves

FemmeFatale 879: i mean, you're like, 50/50. we talk about you and me half the time you know?

FemmeFatale 879: its so cool

MooCW87: loke that... damn

FemmeFatale 879: no, you're not

FemmeFatale 879: !!

MooCW87: lol tynx

FemmeFatale 879: and plus yourre not like the people i know

FemmeFatale 879: they make their family sound so negative

FemmeFatale 879: then at the end they're like "wanna meet my mom?"

FemmeFatale 879: or something

FemmeFatale 879: so stupid

MooCW87: but serously like i tell my friends about my awfull family

MooCW87: but some times i gotta vent

FemmeFatale 879: well do you talk about how you cut yourself and almost commited suicide after they hollered at you?

FemmeFatale 879: i know! everyone does

FemmeFatale 879: but sopme people i know are like vent 24/7

MooCW87: no i dont

FemmeFatale 879: some people i know do that

FemmeFatale 879: it scares me

MooCW87: i never swa it that way

MooCW87: thnx

FemmeFatale 879: some other ones.... people i mean, they're weird

FemmeFatale 879: like, zack. he

FemmeFatale 879: he's funny but he's mean sometimes

FemmeFatale 879: no one is ever all good

FemmeFatale 879: but so far you're like- everything i want in a guy

MooCW87: i hear ya sister!

FemmeFatale 879: plus you play football!

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: is that a turn on?

FemmeFatale 879: YES!

MooCW87: thank u god!

FemmeFatale 879: do you work out at all?

FemmeFatale 879: jw

MooCW87: every day

MooCW87: do u

MooCW87: well...every night

FemmeFatale 879: one of the biggest turn ons is like, abs and niced arm muscles

MooCW87: hell ya im all ready then

FemmeFatale 879: sometimes, i run and figure skate a few times a week and sometimes do crunches and push ups before i go to sleep and stuff

FemmeFatale 879: i am planning on running stairs over break....

FemmeFatale 879: I'll bet you're so incredibly hot too

MooCW87: tisk tisk it is 11:30 u should be in bead

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: bed*

MooCW87: ...?

FemmeFatale 879: I have work to do

MooCW87: me to

FemmeFatale 879: and also i am talking to you

MooCW87: ya

FemmeFatale 879: which is always cool because you never randomly diss me or try to internet-molest me

MooCW87: np

MooCW87: i mean if u wanted me to...

MooCW87: lol

FemmeFatale 879: people real-life molest me too..

FemmeFatale 879: lol! no, that's okay;-)

MooCW87: i will remind u that u 1st imd me wanting to cyber

MooCW87: that's hoq we met

MooCW87: lol

MooCW87: well i gtg

FemmeFatale 879: okay, bye hun

FemmeFatale 879: you're the coolest person to talk to

FemmeFatale 879: cya later

MooCW87: i ned to my mom is yellin at me

FemmeFatale 879: yea, ttyl

MooCW87: see ya sexy

that was rather interesting.

Anyway, first period was great. One of the questions on the science quiz was "what was in the ball on page 43?" or something. I don't read picture word things! So I guessed the asnwer, I put "Hydrogen and Oxygen", they were the first to chemicals I could think of, and I was sure I missed that answer.

The answer turned out to be water.


Second period was boring as it usually was- we were assigned a music project that I don't want to do- it involves writing about one of our favorite songs then playing it for the class and telling about it. There are such retarded guidlines, like no bad language (bad language meaning even the word "screw" is debatible...), and nothing that's not really music.... damn.

third period we ate this orange parsley cheese spread on crackers. was actually kind of good.

fourth period we watched the video of last night's concert and then talked.

fifth period we made cards for the sick janitor, and Tim really pissed me off. I'm serious, I'm going to do something about it someday, and I really don't want to but he makes me so mad, he's so mean to me. He's mean to Ari too, she's so nice to him, she complimented his hair and gave him a gummi worm and he was like "You're too happy, Ari, go away now". He's so mean!!! I hope he rots in Hell.

(which he probably will)

Lunch was weird. I sat at the end of the table and watched people talk. Lisa claimed that I said "orgasmic" like a million times, but I think she only said that to make me look bad and her look good in front of Trevor because I have never said orgasmic, she's getting me mixed up with Bruno.

Math was usual/boring. got an 85% on the quiz (but I studied of an A!!!-!!!).

SS was. Interesting. We objected like there was no tomorrow, or atleast Ellen did. The psychologist didn't do as well as I wanted her to, and when my blood/fingerprints/ballistics guy was asked how many fingerprints were at the scene, he said "O positive and AB".

That was cross-examination though. Lauren was very good. But, the direct examinations went very well. My "blood all over everything" seemed to be working until Bobby screwed it up, but my closing statement will fix it all.

My first NON-choir AREA was today. I got to sit and be lazy. It was wonderful.

Tonight after school I finally went shopping for everyone, including Maria, Rachelle and Amanda from PGH. Oh what fun- to give gifts!

but, anyhow, I have to be off to do homework. Ta-ta


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