Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2001-09-30 - 5:59 p.m. - Football game and mall

The football game ROCKED!!!

Kassi, Lauren and I got there late because my stupid parents are blind as bats and it took them forever to find their houses.

Tim was there, talking to Max, and Zach was talking to Amanda, who was hanging on this little kid. Lisa walked by, and told me Cameron wasn't there (not cool!!!!!!!!!)

Anyhow, Britnie and Abbie (who was utterly bored due to lack of boyfriend), tried to sell me again, this time Max bought me for 25 cents. So he owns me until the next football game. Tim and Kassi had their weird flirts, and Abbie sat under the bleachers with Britnie, so Zach and I went under there too. He had fun molesting my ass. Amanda came under with her Connor substitute (he wasn't there) I forget his name, but he was short. We all hung around, while Zack molested me, and tried to Molest Abbie but she gave him a mean look and he backed off. I fake-grabbed for his crotch and he screamed like a girl. It was hilarious! Abbie was saying how I had to kiss Johnny because she kissed Ivan. I don't want to kiss Johnny, thank God he wasn't there. She said if I kissed Max I wouldn't have to kiss Johnny, and though I really didn't want to do that either, I was in an odd mood so I did. I think he's scared of me now.


Around 8:45, the subject of knee sex was brought up. I must have given 10 people knee sex, five of which I didn't know, and three of the five were 11 year old boys.

Lauren was talking to some highschooler, and I walked over and gave him knee sex. He jokingly asked for my number. It was funny, he moaned and faked orgasms and such, I'm pretty sure he was aware that males are semi incapable of getting orgasms. But it's all good! It was really funny.

I think I hugged atleast 20 different people lat night, five I didn't know. Abbie, Britnie, that highschool guy, Zack (like a million times), Amanda, Max, (Tim wouldn't let me because Kassi was there), that seventh grader that always asks me to hug him (what's his name again? Oh well). Lisa, Peter Brockman, Mark (he only hugged me because I told him the time), Landon, Lauren, Kassi, Some 12 year old who thought I was "hot", Amanda's little boyfriend person, A seventh grader I didn't know, Tyler (who tried running away as I grabbed his back), and some other people from PFMS that I can't remember. I was in a huggish mood.

Anyhow, the game ended and Kassi, Tim, Abbie and I left. We walked to the uni-mart. I got a twix, cinnamon altoids, a Jones blue rasberry soda, and some amazing gummis. Kassi got gummis, M&M's, and a lime green Jones. I forget what Tim and Abbie got. We hung around, it just so happened that the preppies were in the store too. Abbie was making fun of Jen Brown, I talked to Ari, and Heather walked around looking sulkily at everyone. Tim and Kassi went outside and flirted.

Everyone else went outside, all the preppies but Jen and Ari left. We talked to them until they left. Abbie and I went inside, she told me some stuff that scared me, but it was all good, I was in that weird mood. these days sugar puts me in a cool mood, it doesn't make me hyper anymore. It was HILARIOUS, Abbie's sister came, so she sat down on the floor and pretended to medatate. Her sister grabbed her hand, and instead of standing up, Abbie flopped onto the floor, doing her best drunk impression. Her sister rolled her eyes, and Abbie halfway stood up the fell onto the floor again. By this time Kassi, Tim and I were all cracking up. Abbie's sister left Abbie on the floor, and Kassi and I were laughing, and Tim was making this wheezing sound, which I guess was laughter.

We all went outside, and Abbie was pretending to be Lola. I am now Trixie and Kassi is Candy. I was in the coolest mood, I wish I could remember it.

Anyway, Abbie had to go so Kassi, Tim and I began walking over to the school to meet my parents. On the way, we passed some random guy and I said to him,

"Put your penis in my shoe!" He gave me a weird look and walked faster. Kassi was laughing and Tim was lurched over wheezing. Then I told them of my crumply penis fetish, Tim wheezed again.

We sat down on the curb, and I asked Tim how old Kassi looked. he said about 14. I asked him how old I looked, and he said three. I complained that I had no diaper to pee in, and due to the fact that I am three I'd be needing one. Kassi spit out her soda, and I yelled "She peed outta her mouth!" And... I guess it was funny at the time, Tim wheezed and Kassi laughed. My dad came. Tim left, and Kassi and I were dropped off at her house. I slept over, and the next day (being today, heh) we went to the mall around one. Lauren couldn't go.

I'm going to get my haloween costume at hot topic. There was this short plaid skirt with skulls on it, I'm considering that. I'm not sure if I'll dye my hair black or get a black wig. There was a lot of cool stuff in there, but since I guess it doesn't fit my personality, It would look bad on me all days but October 31.

DEB had this huge sale today! but NOOOO stores have sale days only when I'm broke, and when I manage to get a few bucks everything is a million dollars again! And there was this really cute black dress for only 7 dollars! I want a cell phone.

There was this lady with neon tight pants, and she was really fat. We had a good laugh over it. Odd characters at the mall!

Got a mail from Jordan saying that she's going to be in Penn State on November 2 and 3. Amazing! We'll have to meet up, maybe she can meet some of my SC friends!

I got the fourth book in my "Shooting Stars" series, by V.C. Andrews. I love this series, it's going to be good.

After the mall, Kassi and I were picked up. Mom and Dad brought us all to our half-built house. Kassi and I walked up the plank, and checked out the shell of our wonderful house. Teddy came in and ran up to the top floor. He proceeded to scream like a girl, and mom told him to shut up. We met the new neighbors who are moving in beside us. They have three kids, which means babysitting for me!!! I can't wait. But they haven't started building yet, so they won't be in until Spring, or late Winter.

We dropped of Kassi and went home.

I gave Abbie a link to Ivan's diary just now. I wonder how she'll react to it.

Got a new SN! LixyLicious. I'm going to add a few more IM links to all five million of my screen names, NagNagnPana, PPR9914, SteriotpiclBtch, LoofaPaLoofa and lixylicious of course. ttyl!


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bipolar eh - 5:46 a.m. , 2006-04-29

dar - 12:33 p.m. , 2006-04-17

fun - 12:29 a.m. , 2006-02-20

Pittsburgh over Seahawks 21-10 Superbowl XL - 8:22 a.m. , 2006-02-08

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