Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2001-09-10 - 9:10 p.m. - PGH weekend

okay, so, like, yea, okay, so, like, lol.

There's so muuuuuch i want to say about Pittsburgh. Saw Emily Saturday and we looked at thongs like half the time. It was funny and amusing. we were going to try and get into American Pie 2, but... eh. The showings were too late. Bought the third book in my new V.C. Andrews series, Rose.

Saturday I had to be late to meet Maria and Ivan. It was the most amazing time ever, and if Ivan hadn't jumped at every chance to insult me, or make a joke about me it would have been even better.

And I got that oh-so-familiar Ivan-fueled "dont tell liz!" look when they wouldn't tell me why we couldn't go near Lazaurus. and they sat there stuttering and pulling me along, no wonder I get mad, they wouldn't tell me why and they were giving me looks.

Now I'm going to move on to an issue that so does NOT relate to what I was jabbering about before.

Anyone remember the Spice Girls? Anyone? According to Fern, Geri "Sexy" or "Ginger" Halliwell has a very successful solo career. Ahh... remember fourth grade when everyone loved them? I do! ("Spoice Gahls") ... British people (spits) .... stupid guy in British shoes!!! and those british flag shirts and shorts and underwear!! Why don't they just leave us alone?

Ivan, friggin get online! you're probably either lost, or at some gas station or in the car at the moment.

Saw a LOT of people, Miss DiCarlo, my old math teacher who ROCKS, and Whitney F who i gave a look because she was saying things about me, and some other random USC'ers.

Sorry I didn't do text links today, I didn't feel like it.

Got an amazing sweater and an amazing jean jacket from Delia's. Ivan skipped all over the mall. mom asked me who the boy was, I said it was one of Maria's friends from school. A new kid.

heh. And every time we saw her he skipped away like some retarded kid. It was hilarious.

gosh, I had a good weekend.

Okay, fine, Fern you win. you're not a nerd anymore, and you won points for not ranting mean stuff about me in your diary.

Ivan, if you EVER say anything about fern again to me then I'll be really pissed. Go on and say whatever you want behind my back, I don't care. Just don't say it to me.

God, Ivan really frustrates me. That expensive joke was really, really mean, especially since I hate it when people call me a slut, because I haven;t been one for a while. And you all joke about Emily behind her back, but about me to my face! I wish you wouldn't, and I don't understand why, when we're around anyone else you just HAVE to belittle me. you know my self esteem isn't that great, why do you have to make it worse? Do you get some sick satisfaction from knowing you hurt me?

And you don't do this to anyone else either! It's just me!!! not Maria, not Abbie (duh), not ANYONE at all. And I don't understand that.

Someday maybe I will. You said how you hated that people thought they were above you? Hypocrite, you think you're above me and that's just annoying.

Maria, you're still amazing.

Mar's on now, we need out eevahn. Well, yea. Talk to you all later.

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