Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2002-01-05 - 11:57 a.m. - Half Awake

You know.

Alot's been going on.

But anyway.

I really should write, you know, about my life and such, and about the past week, and about school and my friends, and I liked Maria's idea, hopes for 2002, goals and such. I might do that later. Thanks, Mar.

Okay, Lauren's problem cleared up. The girl finally snapped and now they aren't talking. She doesn't care.

I am still getting crap about New Year's eve, as if anything happened. Peter's "speaking of..."'s are slowly getting annoying.

Zack went around for a day, telling everyone that I wanted Peter. Weirdos at my school.


I still feel dead, just got up half an hour ago. No one is home, so it was rather peaceful waking up. Teddy is at church choir, he shall be back very soon I think, then we have to clean and mom and dad are going to paint until 3. Woo hoo.

Don't you hate it when people say reffer to someone as "a friend", for example "I'm going over to my friend's today" and you don't want to be nosy, but you want to know who the friend is, because you might know them. Random thoughts that revolve in my head.

My hair. Is plastered to my head.

I need a hair thingy, :maria: lol.

Hair thing?

must master the lingo.

MARIA get online!!! But, you're probably at the mall now with friends or something... I wanna talk to you!! Mom turned the damn computer off last night.

I'm still tired... sorta, I gotst to sign off for a bit, so when my parents come back home, I won't be signed on. I'll be cleaning. Then, I'll sign back on and go on an away message and clean, unless anyone I actually want to talk to is online.

I wonder if this entry is long enough to go past all the stuff on the side of my diary. I am going to change the layout soon.


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