Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-01-08 - 8:54 p.m. - Who Cares Seriously

I just got what "firsts" for 2001 means.

so. here goes.


�First kiss

�First real understanding of true friendship

�First real guy friends (Corey, Chris and Sean don't count!! They always would try and ditch us! That's a qualitiy I need in a male friend... one that doesn't try and ditch me)

�First time I ever heard of that phenominal artist, Tori Amos.

�First time it dawned on me that I'm as complex as hell from one perspective, but a real simpleton from another

�FIRST TAN BABY!!! (shuttup, I know it's fake)...

�First move that I cared about (I was seven when we actually moved first, I didn't care) (The anniversary is coming up for the most recent one.....)


�First time getting in a real fight with Maria

�First time missing some one, or some people so much that I wanted to throw up and die in a hole in the ground.

�First realization that maybe I don't want to skate anymore, it's no fun

�First time doing bad in English...

I could go on and on, but, I wanna write about stuff.

Okay... have you ever done something, then thought back on it, and, after you're done feeling naseous, you totally wonder what the hell you were thinking. I'm not talking about something stupid, like you said something or did something dumb, like insulted a teacher or someone of higher athourity, I'm talking like, something so totally stupid, and so totally wrong and so totally STUPID and WRONG and, wrong, WRONG that it makes you want to pop your own head off and chuck it into the Grand Canyon.

Yep. I did something like that. Take a guess- I've been forbidden to write about it, or tell anyone (although I actually did tell select people), but, that's way okay. Anyhow, I must have been so totally NOT myself at that time,


---Ohhhhh, I don't want to think about it, it makes me angry and sick ....

Just to let you all know, I am stupid. And Wrong. Thanks.

Anyway- I totally got glasses tonight! They're amazing frames, I'm not so sure if they look good on me or not, but, that's okay. mom, dad, the glasses people at Sears, they all said the frames looked good, so I'm hopeful.

And mad at myself for not remembering that I wear a 3/4 in Express and not a 5/6. Damn, I have to go return these... goodness knows when mom, who had a slight money dilemma today which I am not allowed to write about, will take me to the mall to costlessly exchange these pants.

You know... MooCW is getting annoying, maybe he'll go away soon. I won't ask him to, though, that's "mean" :Fake grimace: Ohhhh.

No one interesting is online, maybe because I don't want to talk to any of them... wheer are you, Mar?

Hockey? I don't know when you have hockey...

Em signed off, (If Steph Maloney gets another darned solo, someone shall be hurt).

I wonder what Sasha and Andrea are going to do tomorrow? I know it has nothing to do with me (if it did, they had plenty a chance to do "it" today. Prolly has to do with new Trevor)

Yah know.... I totally don't know about anything anymore. I wish I looked different... my face is so messed up...

Well, enough with the self-insults, I'm out


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