Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-01-12 - 10:26 p.m. - Must Lose Weight

i saw an angel in the clouds-

was it you?

they said your watching over me-

is it true?

when i was sad and lonely-

were you there?

when i needed someone to talk to-

you seemed to care.

you taught me to love-

i learned well.

i told you my secrects-

did you tell?

so many things i miss-

do you know?

i feel so abandoned-

why'd you go?

I like that poem, it was in Amanda's profile.

I remember once we had a deffective popcorn bag, and after the 12th time, I think it was, we gave up on getting even one of the kernels to pop.

Went to Plato's today finally. I. Love. It. Low prices, amazing clothes, whoa... whoa...

Was at the mall today too, but I don't much feel like writing about that, but I will

Sasha is cool, and she's my friend now.

Abbie got us all kicked out of Pac Sun, she was takin tacks off of the shoes and the salesperson made us "Exit the Shop to your left please, Sandra"-:motions to girl up front:-"please make sure these girls leave the store, thanks"

Sandra watched us with hawk eyes as we left.

Outside the store, Meghan Hill and some other random cheerleaders were selling raffle tickets for stuff. She was like "Now, I like KNOW you wanna buy these like tickets, chaw!?"

We all claimed that we didn't have any money, then went to the pizza place and got dinner.

In Candie's, Abbie knocked over almost a whole rack of boots, and if we hadn't left so quickly we all would have been kicked out.

In DEB, Sasha, Abbie and I were looking at the underwear. Sasha was making a big deal out of a shiny pink thong, then a salesperson comes over and says "You girls sure seem to like this underwear" and at that moment, Abbie almost knocked like, ten bras off of their hanger holder things, luckily the salesperson laughed and helped her put the bras back on, not really caring.

We all tried on many dresses. The v-day dance is coming up, and if we even have one, (they'll prolly cancel it... ugg...) Abbie looked amazing in almost everything, I need to lose weight, and Sasha just looked good because she is skinny.

So, it is totally carrots and juice for lunch for the next month, and major work-outs, I don't know what those will be, but probably really simple things, like jogging, crunches, push-ups, jumping jacks, there's not a lot I can do until we get the house and get the work-out bike back, and have room for the ab machine thing.

ughhhh, my sides are so fat. kinda.

i wanna be able to wear a tight fittin dress without sucking in, or something. We'll see, I'm totally going to lose weight.

Well, I'm off to work out :crunches, and such: ttyl,


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