Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-01-13 - 8:52 p.m. - Indented Bra

"See, I really would smile, but there is a mudpack on my face..."

"Idaho! Idaho! Whut about Idaho...? Helloooo-ooo?"

"Perfect?! who-hoa! to overstatementsville we go!"

"Damn indented bra... it's like I haven't got a left nipple... I mean... well, not that you are looking, or were looking before but you are now, I think, so, I'll shut up..."

What an eventful day I had :snort:

Those are all personal quotes of Lizzles, by the way.

Got up around 11, methinks.

Was online all day, but away most of the time. Around two-ish I got my skinny legged chub-stomach scrawny-armed self out the door.

Walked about on the golf path, saw few people. There was a jogger, a man walking his dog, and a couple running. There was also a girl and her father, but they went home.

I walked into the middle of another long grass patch, the only one almost totally covered in snow and made another big doily. It wasn't half as impressive s the first one, due to the snow melting and such, but it was still there and still looked okay, sad, but okay.

I walked to the Carnegie House and just stood there. There's something about that place.

It reeked of mother used to cook like that...

The siding was blueish, I remember a house like that from somewhere...

The inside, as far as I could see, was exqusite, I have been to a place like that in Florida, or maybe Canada or New Foundland, I think New Foundland, and it brought back memories... although I was never in that exact building.

Remember, some time ago, a long time ago, with dad's side of the family, we were in a large, nice room, or was it small and cozy? We were all together, before Aun Debbie went psycho and got pregnant with someone else and left Uncle Terry, before Aunt Shelley married for the 3rd time and had five children, practically abandoning three of them

No! there was something else familiar about this place... I wanted in so, so bad, but for what...?

I thought about so much on my walk.. you know, them thinking walks, they do a person good.

My pink bra from Express, the one I want to wear tomorrow, has little bumps in it... and they;'re going away, but, I hope they don't show through my shirt!!!!

Well, I'm off to wash off this facial and put on the bronzer crap again, ttyl..


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