Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-01-26 - 1:41 p.m. - Last year Last day

The only positive outcome of Friday night (being last night), was probably the book I bought at Webster's.

I'll seperate my days into periods once again, and soon enough I will begin to do it so frequently, that I won't need to announce what I am doing.

Pd 1- Actually had a conversation with Bruno, and not Peter. Bruno, all he talks about is sexual positions, but I was bored, and when I'm bored I'm horny, so I listened intently while Alexa, from behind me said "Ewwwwwww" every five minutes.

Pd 2- I think I'm really starting to get into art. We drew a contour line of a still life, and it was fun. I am actually looking forward to doing my homework.

Pd 3- Ate our food in FCS. I think I ate too much, but it was good nonetheless.

Pd 4- Quiet Study in choir. Abbie, Brooke, Courtlyn and I are going to start a band, and Zack has decided to be "that guy". You know, how with bands, they're always the manager, the band, the groupies, and that guy who is always around. 'Does he have a name?' 'No.' 'Okay then...'

Pd 5- I really am starting to like English! Brooke is a fun person to talk to, Brett is hilarious, Tim and Max are easy to make fun of, although I normally am kidding when I tease Max, because I don't say that much to him anyway.

Lunch- Abbie had FCS today too, so we didn't eat very much. Tim is not sitting with us anymore, and that's a good thing becase that table always gets too crowded. Lisa said she hates the way she looks, and Abbie and I jumped all over her, how could she hate the way she looks??

Pd. 6- Left in the beggining to take out my contacts. Talked to some basketball guys in the hall about random stuff (Jen and Mitch are back together, during class switches she was screaming and hugging people).

Pd. 7- Fell asleep. No one cared.

AREA- choir, quiet study again. Talked to Abbie about many things, or maybe just a few things, none of which to be mentioned. Then, we talked to Chris, Will and Joel. Joel insists he regrets not trying out, and Chris and Will compared their shoe size, and we talked about sex. What else does the drama crew talk about?

Came home, got online, talked to people, made plans.

Met Abbie, Ivan and Brooke at the downtown movie theater to see Ocean's 11. Of course, once Abbie arrived, I may as well just have walked off and no one but Brooke would have noticed. That's the thing, around me and just me he's my boyfriend and everything is good. Around me and his guy friends he's still my boyfriend, nothing changes. Around me and my girlfriends he is single. Around me and her, I don't exist. The night was hell.

Anyway, I came home and read my new book until I fell asleep.

Now. My dream. I haven't dreamed for about a month I think.

I remember being in my grandmother's house, and there were three dresses laying on the side of the sofa by the door. I fell asleep within my dream, and I dreamt that a creature snuck in and stole two of them. Waking up the next morning, two were gone, my mother was angry. We went out into the dark backyard, unsually dark for daytime, unless I was mistaken and it was still night. There were drak, small animals prowling in the back, where the fence door was open. I was depressed within the light of the house, but in the dark, eerie field I felt so enlightened and alive. They were cats. The animals.

I was, for no reason at all, in a store, with dolls and the cats still around me. One doll- I knew him, he was a lawyer who failed to win an important case, or he was caught up in his own case, I'm not quite sure. He was gone, and all the other dolls, I talked to them with the kittens, for the cats had left the yard when I asked them to. My mother came, and we looked at ties for my father. He came, and didn't want a tie, I decided to buy him the lawyer doll, for I wanted the lawyer doll too. I couldn't find the doll and by now it was truly night, I ran outside the store to the back, and into another one... there were slides and monkey bars, all with the smell of fear penetrating from their rusted metel exteriors.

I went into the other place and found the doll, but he was older... Went back to the store, there were books there, I forget the title of the first one, but the second was named "used Hand Hoshera"... they were both about the lawyer, but the second one I wanted more than the first... the title was intriguing, I guess.

I woke up and was confused, and depressed, and figured I'd just sleep all day, which after cleaning I think I shall do.

I ended up getting up anyway, and like a sloth,grabbed some chips, and watched MTV as I did in he Summer. I miss the summer! Didn't have a care in the world, my life practically revovled around what was on MTV, (10 spot! Daria! I wonder where that went? Daria..)

This weekend is going to be boring, I think I'll sit infront of the T.V. the whole time, and the computer, and on a chair with my new book, whatever works. I'm off to take a shower and go to church, bye...


By the way, last year, on this exact date, was my last day in USC.

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