Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2002-02-18 - 4:31 p.m. - Narrow Mind Mockery

*rolls eyes at everyone's stupidity*

Okay, so here I am in the library writing in my diary, Andrea was mad at me for some stupid reason involving Peter. I think it's really unfair of her to go telling everyone that I like him, not even asking me. I like Peter as a friend, and that's it. Nothing more. I told you I was sorry, and I told you I don't like Peter. Nothing else. Oh, big insult, I was being "gay". No, Andrea, I think you're mistaking my maturity about the situation for, um, homosexuality? I don't even know why you were angry with me, besides maybe me saying hello to your boyfriend and asking him for two dollars. I must be in love with this kid!

Anyhow. Abbie couldn't come downtown for some random reasons, so I was alone today, and kinda happy about it. For thirteen bucks I got a blue skirt, a cd by an artist I have never heard of (but, it had a parental advisory warning, so it must be cool...), a cookie, a bottle of soda, a gel pen and a beanie baby. Am I a bargain shopper or what? Wearing my 59 cent shoes (gadzooks) and my 6 dollar capris (old navy) today. Sure, it's not capri weather, but, whatever works.

I saw that girl Nick in Rag and Bone again. We talked for a little bit about things. I left and walked about, went in Abercrombie, marveled at the ridiculous prices for a shirt that gave a fake defintion of "Abercrombie" on it and other things.

Es glantz der mond neider, ich solte das weider...

meine liebchen, meine liebchen unt furt...

German song, "The Watchful Lover".

there was some stuff I forget to write yesterday, but I forget what it was...

Dad took me to Eat n Park for lunch. It was cool because, instead, I could have had my choice between beef ramen noodles, beef ramen noodles, beef ramen noodles, month old hungry man in the freezer and beef ramen noodles.

Oh, another thing, in another one of Andrea's diary entries, it talks about a watcher watching me steal someone else's 'man'. (chyeah, like boys our age our men), Anyway, I assume you're reffering to Kassi and Tim, um, I'm beggining to wonder who knocked you over the head witha frying pan and shoved you under a rock during that moment in time. Kassi wrote a note to Bruno about how she liked other guys, Tim saw it and dumped her. A little while later, me and him went out, totally seperate from whatever happened with him and Kassi. How did I, um, 'steal' him, exactly? Give me one good explanation of how I stole that boy, and I'll be in awe.

This morning, around 9, I woke to the sound of men talking in the bathroom... plumbers, fixing our toilet. My first thought was, "Who let them in?" But I took a shot in the dark and figured they had a master key... they are, after all, Toftrees apartment plumbers, so I figure they have a key to get in.

So, they work away while I watch talk shows in the living room.

But, anyhow, I guess life goes on. How much you wanna bet the people that got together to skate today (being Ivan, Peter, Andrea and Jes and maybe Jordan) have a whole "Liz iz a bitch and we hate her" convo, even if it only lasts for two minutes? Yea, I guess you cuold say I'm being semi-paranoid, because Andrea calls me gay and something else in her diary, Jes didn't seem too happy when I talked to her last night, no comment on what's going on with me and Ivan, and Peter and Jordan, well, I donno, we're on pretty good terms I guess.

Also, no one really seemed to want to invite me, but whatcha gonna do? Eh, life goes on. :-)

Well, the library is getting crowded. I'm out


By the way- If I'm gay, why in the world would I like Peter? :laughs:

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