Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2002-05-02 - 7:29 p.m. - ...what is love...

...What is love...

I have been thinking a lot about...'love' lately. Everyone is hooking up, and it is funny to me- the day after they start going out, they have a passionate "I love you" then love quotes in their profiles. Love; it is such a strong word. Which is why I can never really say it to anyone.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perserveres. 1 corinthians 13:4-7, given to me from my friend Emily.

Tell me. Would you be patient beyond comprehension for this person? Would you be jealous if they were to be talking to someone else of the opposite sex? If there were something wrong with this person, would you be by their side? If one thing goes off track, if one thing is wrong, will you fight it until the end, or will you give up?

It is not a matter of age. It is a matter of maturity, it is a matter of honesty.

The Rose

Some say love,

It is a river that drowns the tender reed.

Some say love,

It is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed.

Some say love,

It is a hunger, an endless aching need.

I say love, it is a flower,

and you its only seed.

It's the heart, afraid of breaking,

That never learns to dance.

It's the dream, afraid of waking,

That never takes a chance.

It's the one who won't be taken,

Who cannot seem to give.

And the soul, afraid of dying,

that never learns to live.

When the night has been too lonely,

And the road has been to long,

And you think that love is only for

The lucky and the strong

Just remember

in the winter far beneath the bitter snows

Lies the seed that with the sun's love

In the spring becomes the rose.

What is love?

ELLEgirlBuddy: love is hard to explain.

SmarterChild: Love is love.

Zack Harbaugh: love? love is two people trusting each other, honoring each other, liking each other, not just talking to each other, you hafta like the other person

love scares people out of relationships. love, I think is bullshit. It doesnt exist, people say it does, its an idea made by the system to keep people on their feet. But. Love also does make people happy, just not me yet, love can come in all shapes and sizes, love, i can do love, if the other person can do it too.

Alexa Storniolo: I don't know... love; love is blind.

Emily DiSalle: love is what could prevent all this violence in the world, if people could only feel it, love is the most amazing feeling in the world, if it is returned.

Krysta Koubek: is....caring about soome so much that you would do anything for them.

Trevor Barreth: Someone you love is someone you can stand around with and not get bored. Someone you like time 2 or 3 or 4. I would do anything just to be with her (in refferance to his girlfriend, Coly). I love her as a person. She's my best friend.

Amanda Karl: When you know in your heart that you wouldn't be able to survive without that person; they are the most beatuiful, loving, funny, and all around best person in the world to you. If you looked at someone and considered them to be cute - you would think of your own as way better than that. You would rather die yourself that watch this person die, because you know you'd probably die not being able to help this person. When you're the most comfortable with someone, and never doubt their words.

Jes Rodabaugh- Trust, being there for the other person, always doing things to make them love you even more, being there for them, being a best friend to them, not just a b.f or g.f.

Brett Liu: Love is when two people, find a connection or feeling towards each other that's not only physical, but also psychological and spiritual. The feeling is so strong that it cannot be controlled, and despite some efforts to deny the truth, you know what you feel, and you know you would die for anything that person believes in including that person themself in spite of any fights or other occurances that have recently taken place.

Christin S: All I can say about it is that, if you love someone then spending the rest of your life with them even if you dont get to sleep with anyone else (lol) will seem like the best thing in the world, and I dont think it's something you can have in 8th grade..It'll seem like no matter where you are, if you're with that person it would be the best place on earth.

Peter Brockman: It's tough to put in words, love takes lives, it is its own being. It can have a good effect or a bad effect on people. A good effect is the way it happens. How its suposed to be. If its not your love for someone should stop. its about trust, and caring. you should really love the person, not everything about them, but so much that the good things overpower the bad thigs. it should be who they are not what they do. It is hard, it is a feeling, and always in my findings I can't express it to is fullest extent.

Andrea Rupert: I think love is when you like someone so much that being around them makes you want to melt and when you aren't with them you would die just to see them again. Love is accepting the peron's strengths and weaknesses and still liking them for themselves. You look past their looks into what they really truly are. Love is beautiful and when you are in love you'll want to be with the one you love day and night. To have them hold you when you had a bad day. When you turn your back on everyone else, the person you love is there tapping you from behind to get your attention.

Jordan Thompson: A special "affection" you feel for someone,will always think of them in a special way. Not neccesaraly still with that person but, still think of them different then anyone else.

Rachel Koons: Love is where you never want to be away from someone and the memory of them eats at you like a mosquito. They always... well, most of the time enjoy your company and you always feel like a better person around them. The joy of life is love.

Marlee Galligher:'s a feeling, but sometimes you take it for granted and you'll say it without realizing it's can't just say it, cause it's not just a word, it's expresses a feeling that's really deep and no one really realizes it, they all kind of just say it...but really you can't just think you're in love, you have to feel it...

Sean Brannigan: Love is when two people care so much about each other, they are willing to do anything for the other person, and they feel comfortable around that person and feel warm.

Lisa Barron: I think its different for everyone, I am not sure, but I do know that it has to be the same between you and whoever you are in love with, and well basically whatever you want it to be.

Ivan Panchenko: Knowing that your life would not be yours, your dreams would not be yours, your emotions would not be yours if that person were not there. Knowing that no one in the world could be more right than that person, no one in the universe even compares. Knowing that everything you hold, and everything you may not is because of that person, and not being afraid to yell it at the top of your lungs.

Laura : When you love someone you never live a second without having a feeling inside of you, in your bones and every time that you think of that special person you can't hold back a smile. You can't stand to be without them!

Anup Das: love is a feeling, love is a feeling among two or more people, who care about each other, and understand each other feelings. They do not like the person for their looks, but for their personality. Love is magic between people. It is an expression used to show one that you deeply care for them. Love is feeling about a person so deeply, that no mtter what action they take in life, they always seem perfect to you.

Love is blind. Not seeing the appearance of someone, but looking deeper, into their soul, into their world, just, into them. Don't love someone if you can just live with them, love them because you cannot live without them.

It is easy to fall in love with love. Don't do it... It seems as if you come to love one person not through just knowing their hobbies and knowing their family, love occurs through experiences and through time. Time tells the truth. So, patience; of which is a virtue.

Love exceeds all boundaries. Don't tell someone you love them then ditch them to play a vidoe game. You have to feel it in your heart, in your gut, you can't just think it in your head then eat a cookie. It doesn't work like that.

So, the next time you write, type or say, or even think the word love about someone or something, ask yourself, 'Do I mean this...?"


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