Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-09-04 - 9:59 p.m. - life sucks but it really doesn't

MOOD SWINGS SUCK... BAH WHY CAN'T I STAY THE SAME FRICKING MOOD FOR TEN MINUTES?? actually, I do know why... (and it's not what all the guys make fun of girls for.) someone slap me. Please?

Highschool is still amazing... I suppose it is still dawning on me that I'm actually in highschool... sometimes it seems overrated, but sometimes it seems so amazing... Liz! It's just school! But... I feel so incredibly different than last year, it's insane how we've all changed, but I love it! EVERYONE is so much better now!

As fondly as I speak of PF, I never want to go back there. Ever.

You know what is the most amazing song ever... Ariels (arioles? Arialls? Arielles?) bu SOD... they're so incredible. And the white stripes... and jimmy eat world, and the hives and the vines... damnit, i could lay on my blow up bed and listen to the revolution all day. I remember when I first moved here, I listened to it and I was like "what the hellis this? where's NSYNC??" now I love the revolution, and I'm embracing my weirdness... not shoving it away and pretending it's not me... fuck I was SUFFERING in USC.

im gonna get free... im gonna get free...

WHY DID I EVER LIKE POP SO MUCH... ahhh life rocks, i want to shoot a tree, lalala, school tomorrow yay, some random guy hasmy number and he writesme notes and has his chinese friend give them to me, he says he's going to call me. Muh, howcome the people i want I CANT GET?!!?!?! maybe i need plastic surgery on my personality? maybe i need to be nicer? maybe i HATE JOCKS? although, i don't like a jock, but uh yeah...

A whole bunch of jocks were infront of me after 3rd period, and i wanted to get to my locker and find lauren and then stalk some people... and they were walking sooo sloowww... and I said "god, why do you people have to walk so slow?" and i pushed ahead of them. I walked away thinking "did i just say that??? it was so mean!!!" and then later, some jocks i did know (wes meyers, matt kenney and company) were infront of me to get out of the doors after lunch. they were strolling out the door like they had all the time in the world and I said "you know, you can move if you want" and they said something like cussing with my name... ah whatever, i got to class sooner... jocks suck.

popularity doesn't really exist in don't see anyone enough, it's so crowded... I'm in heaven... a social situation not based on your social standing.

well, I'm out...


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