Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-09-09 - 7:36 p.m. - Typical Teenage Life

Life is so life-ish lately.

1. Advanced geometry SUCKS. I want to get into regular, it feels as if I am struggling to grasp concepts that the rest of the class understood three months ago. I definitely belong in regular Geometry... or I should have done what Peter did, jsut take algebra again. What was I thinking when I signed up for advanced geometry?

2. all the other classes are doing well! I'm so psyched about how I'm actually wanting to work and participate. Sure, I get tired often and I don't want to do the assignments... but I pull through.

3. So there's this guy that I'm utterly obsessed with. Actually, no, I like to say I'm not and that I don't look for him in the halls and whatnot. I pity those who have to hear me whine about him, I never see him, he doesn't know I'm alive, etc. Hah, here I am thinking "sign on and talk to me... please? I'll give you a dollar...!" I feel so typical, liking someone who is out of my grasp. The thing with me is, I always like someone I can't have. It's like 6th or even 4th grade again, I'm a little girl with a little crush and if he happens to be within 10 feet of me I get all weird and stuff. Why can't I like whatsisname who has my number and talks about me to Conor? Or that perverted Sean guy? Why do I like guys who are so obvlivious to the fact that I gawk at them when I see them and I act stupid if they even look at me? Someone slap me, I'm a retard.

4- There are people I know are mad at me for some odd reason. I can tell this in their body language and the way their eyes move when they talk to me, IF they talk to me. I wish they would come forward so this could be resolved.

5- I have a whole lot of friends though! It's so fun, every class there is someone to talk to or sit next to, or whine to or listen to. So I'm doing really well.

I hate math!

6- My parents are horrible sometimes. But sometimes they aren't. I suppose they're not nearly as bad as other cases I have heard, but still, they tend to get on my nerves.

I'm such a normal teenager, it makes me sick.

We are staying in state college this weekend, which means I can actually go hang out with people.

Wow! there are these incredibly hot guys that live in my neighborhood... one is across the street, he's always outside doing things, which is fun. Another is down the road a little, but he's all "mach-i only talk to hot sophores-ish". They're both freshmen, by the way, and they're jocks. The fact that they're somewhat stupid detracts from how hot they are. I don't like dumb guys, which is why I suppose I can't get who I want- smart guys don't like me. Ugh! That's pretty fuckin sad!

No one really talks about homecoming, and I suppose it's nothing big now, but in USC it apprently is. Emily is worried that she won't have a date, and that made me think "ah, who am i going to go with?" although it is a month away. If it were around now, I'd either go with my not-so-obsession, only if he actually asked me, or that guy who knows my number, or the perverted Sean (that, of course is my last resort). But only if they asked me! I don't ask boys, they ask me. And if I do not get asked, tough luck, I'll go alone. No biggie. (sigh). Hopefully things will change in a month and I'll like someone more uh... knowing of my existence.

I am tired but I still have a Social Studies project to finish, hopefully my fatigue will wear off soon and I can get my ass in gear.

Mmm, I'm out


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