Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-09-10 - 7:57 p.m. - TYPICALNESS

I feel like throwing up.

Not because of anything, I just generally feel sick. I suppose that is not good. Maybe I ate too much. I did make a lot of macaroni tonight.

I think I'm going to make my own layout... although I love this one, and I just got it, I'm getting together ideas for a header that says "A (sterio)typical teenage life" or something to that effect. See what it means? I'm so normal I sicken myself. I'm just like every other teenager girl anywhere... I have friends, drama, boys, complications, expectations, etc. It's highschool. I'd assume boys have similar problems, but girls let it be known.

So on to my typical life.

1. I'm still struggling with advanced geometry. We're working on the algebra right now. Once we get into theorums I know I can handle advanced. I like to think logisticly- as in, everything makes sense, and everything has a reason and an order. I don't like setting up problems. I like knowing what they're about and solving them quickly. A few other reasons as well. I mean, geometry just... makes more sense to me than algebra does. I'm not dropping it just yet.

2. Dad is in pittsburgh, or was. He visited the grandparents. Apprently grandma is very depressed, she has clinical depression to start off with, alongside her best friend, then her sister dying, and now her husband is seriously ill. Dad says he looked better, although he still can't eat anything. I feel really bad for him.

3- that guy. I don't know. A lot of people know who he is now, and that's not good. I called Abbie tonight originally to get a voice teacher's number, but we ended up talking for awhile. She gave me advice. Damnit, it's such good advice, damn, but it'd never work ever. If I were to ever use it, it would be on someone who won't freak out, and whatnot. Uhh. Yeah, so I'm thinkin I'll just give up because it seems in actuallity he's annoying and weird. I'm not around him as much as others are, and that's what they've said. Ah, oh well. Life sucks and then you die, haha... Bob Bobberson i think it is, random talkings on the bus.

I have work to do tonight still. Gluing something together, reading chapter one from my journalism book, then... geometry which is actually algebra. Ugg.UGGGGGGG.gGG.ggdgcvgGG.

Also I want to do something fun with my hair tomorrow. It requires doing stuff tonight.

Well, I'm off


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