Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-10-10 - 8:38 p.m. - lalala homecoming goodness

salt, sweat, sugar on the asphault, uhuh, glitter on the topsoil, sign up, picket line or the parade,/-

Today was great. Boys are stupid. Life is confusing. Yogurt that tastes like candy is good.

HONEST TO GOD- does it or does it NOT say "Halloween' once and 'COSTUME PARTY' twice on my invite? Ah! Half of hte people who I've talked to refuse to wear a costume, and it's frustrating- it's my party, it's the kind I'm having, why would you not do it? If it were someone else's party, I'd do it even if I didn't want to- I mean, think about it- if it were your party and you made it costume party and noone will wear a costume... it sucks.

but anyhow, I love Jimmy Eat World and that older song "Bleed American". it's awesome.

Today after school was great! It was kind of confusing- Hm, okay so Laura goes with Lauren to the North building to get a book which leaves me and Marlee and Liz, (Liz randomly... wasn't there). but the buses were coming and crap, dismissal and so I went and talked to Jordan and Nate... Nate is the weirdes- ah, man, you can't say anything to him without him giving you a look like, like there's a foot growing out of your forehead or something. He doesn't just do it to me, ahh me and Marlee were discussing it, how we all feel retarded and ugly around him because he gives us looks and - yeah. He always seems annoyed by me, and I've been considering just not showing up at homecoming at all. Everytime I think the name "Nate", I seem to assosciate it with "snake", yeah, they rhyme, his name makes me think unpleasant thoughts, because he didn't, doesn't and never will like me- ahhh well life goes on, huh?;-)mann i don't want to go to homecoming, i want to go alone- i mean wait, i dunno, I'm so mean sometimes- WHYYYY did i let sasha ask himmm... he coulda gone with sarah park and i coulda gone with noone or some random guy, mannnnn - bahahvs;mbf... it'd be so mean- osfbvf - right.

I'm a good egg- I'll figure something out...

sad, bad things are going on these days, and I'm just a spectator. Somewhat

Math homework, should do world cultures because i like never do my homework in that class- I'm not doing well in anything, it's not like I"m not working, I am, - maybe not as hard as I should be, though.

I have two cameras for all the homecoming-ness... I'll have pics of friends and freshmen things for the yearbook:-)

I love singing in the halls. It's my thing. Infact, I love singing anywhere- my obsession.

Even weird songs, as Marlee says "5th grade pop savage garden shut up, Liz!"

Shelby and Allison are talking to me again, it's pretty cool- I guess us not talking for a while made our random anger go away, or atleast get smaller(?), I dunno I'm not mad anymore, it's awesome we can be friends again:-)

I have homework to do, it's about ten- time to go downstairs and figure stuff out. (I like working late, noone is downstairs)


you know what? Tonight was great, me and Marlee walking in the rain with Brie and Traci sometimes, Laura, Lauren, Marlee, me and Liz squishing into Liz's little car after the 9th grade football game,. the freshman section at our huuuuge pep rally "on the count of three we yell freshmen, one, two, THREE- FRESHMEN,FRESHMEN, FRESHMEN-" we ALMOST drowned out the sophmores, it was incredible. We were WET, incredibly sopping wet wet wet. I got a STATE T-shirt today to wear tomorow, there is a football game, I need to take a shower before, man, swimming sucks. I got lost in the north building today. The curtises hate me, I think. Umm whatever, I got pictures, me and Marlee ate at taco bell, I got my vanilla stuff! Ivan, remember it? I got more for homecomingg! I didn't see Abby's float:-(... we saw the field hockey one and got candy though! Ah, Trevor;s dad is mean. I want a boyfriend. Please? It's been so long, I'm starting to feel gross- stupid Nate, distracting me from all the other guys, bah. (ahh I'm kidding). I love Jimmy Eat World. John Rzeznik is beautiful. I hope Sasha is on the bus tomorrow morning. I'm tired! I don't want to do homework. Man, I put it off so much. I'm going home tomorrow night but can anyone give me a ride to the game? Hmm.

life is good.

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