Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2002-10-17 - 10:23 p.m. - So Incredible

Man, waking up at 2 in the morning is definitely not good, it's like 10:30 and I'm ready to pass out- I ended up doing something tonight. After my editor meeting thing I went home and totally did not get my voice lesson, and then went to go see this horrid movie with Nate and Eric(k?). The movie sucked so much, but I didn't care because I got to be with Nate, and I'm like not seeing him until Monday, grr... he's great, incredible, all things good. He's not angry at the world, he has a great sense of humor, he's still not angry at the world, he's so easy to talk to- he has me so whipped, because he's incredible. I like his voice, except for that one day that it was like, cracking, Abby got a kick out of it, haha. I wrote him a note the other day, telling him how incredible he is- and if anyone knows me, that's something I don't do normally. I'm never too open with boyfriends, but it seems okay now, like he's not going to flip out or act weird around me. Which, he didn't, I think it actually was a good thing... ahaha and he wrote back. He's so amazing. I don't think there is one thing I would change about him... hm, no. :shrugs: wow, no, there isn't, that's so insane, normally I have a long list of paranoid complaints about that kind of thing. Nope, nothing, he's incredible and needs to stay exactly as he is.

Yeah, I'm whipped.

hes soooo amazinggg... okay Liz, shut up...

We might not have to go to Pittsburgh Sunday- which is sweet. So incredibly amazing. Tomorow will be fun! I'm gonna go hang out with Shelby and Al and I think Wolf? whoever else is there, and then Trevor is going to teach me to skate, yay!

The cat peed in my closet. I watched him, I'm scarred for life. I didn't know he was doing it until it started to smell and it dawned on me "THAT'S what he was doing, sitting there wiggling!" Yeah, that's why my closet smells like shit.

I'm so tired.

Peter is mad about something I said about Danny. Guess what. My diary. My opinions. Your choice to read.

Oh, yes! I saw Shelby, Wolf Allison, Ivan, Zack, Brett and Trevor outside the theater after the horrid movie... I guess the fact that it was so bad somewhat benifitted me, because then it was easy to make fun of, so half the time me and Nate sat there and made fun of it. He had conversations with Eric too, which was mad cool that he didn't ignore his friend. Eric doesn't talk much. Nate is incredible, he's so funny. In my little note, I listed some "Nate-describing adjectives" and then stopped when the list was getting too long... half of them like, weren't adjectives but phrases, eh it was cool. I could go on and on about him, and I might, you know. I'll just keep talking and never stop, someone will have to slap me. He's so great though. Maybe I'll write some more notes and freak him out.:-D

I have a headahce! Man, I'm out-


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