Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2002-10-21 - 10:14 p.m. - whipped, still

Today was actually a good monday... :-D

ASIDE from totally predicting something and wishing I hadn't, wow it's insane- I hoped so much I'd be wrong! But, I wasn't. Damn.

Anyhow- today was amazing, I got to see Nate (yay:-D), I have his ring, haha- the one he's always playing with. He doesn't confuse me. He doesn't make me mad, he's incredible. He said some stuff that kinda made me think "hey, that was weird" like right after- and, I guess I'm not used to that, I'm not used to affection without horniness and molesting. It's great. I never really knew what I was missing- all my other boyfriends tried to like rape me, and rip my boobs off. (Tim...ahaha..). Nate's just always so happy all the time, he's not so fucking complicated- which makes me feel less complicated and there aren't even stupid little paranoid problems. There was always something wrong in the past, but now everything's perfect.

So insane, I'm thinking- I'm not sure if I ever mentioned this in my previous entries- but I wanted to come into highschool and find someone, and have something just like this- but then I kinda forgot and gave up. Hm, spoke too soon, huh.

The editors meeting was actually really fun today! I get to interview people tomorow:-D. We got pizza and, Sarah Park isn't mad at me anymore I don't think.

Nate is so hot.

Hmm, I have a geometry test tomorrow. yay.

Teddy and I tried out blacklights and they are sooooo weak- so, I'm gonna have to buy more:-/... everything is like crashing down around me this week. So much is going on. I have to clean ands till do all my school stuff, and editor stuff, and music stuff, and - stuff. Yeah. hmm. Not much updating and online-ness, I don't think.

Hmmmmm... Abby and Conor, so cute:-D. And so are Shelby and Wolf. (awww... this is going to sound really strange, but at the football game I looked over and they were kissing- like not savagely, but cutely, you know, an "I love you" more than a "let's fuck"- it was soo sweet)- but, anyway, yes.

I have a friend to bring for Eric on Friday. Because he's always the third wheel, and Laura and I were trying to think of reasons as to why Nate always wants to bring him with us- and my only solution was to bring a friend for Eric. So, I have a friend. She volunteered. She's great. It's a suprise though and I can't tell anyone or else they won't go for it, and it's like- I never get to just talk to Nate. These people who never normally talk to me when I'm alone seem to want to talk to me when I'm with him-so forgive me if I kind of ignore you if you try to talk to me,but it's like we're always surrounded by people, or Eric. I don't really mind Eric, though, he's cool. It's just- why?? You know?

Al needs a guy! Hot, nice and smart! Common, I know you all are out there! You know she's hot! You know you want her! Ahh Al, we shall find you a guy.

I'm so tired- and I still have stuff to do, where is my energy?? Man. Maria is coming Saturday! YES! Wow. She'll get to meet everyone, and I have to talk to her about some stuff still, I might call her because getting online is gonna be difficult...

Hmm, yeah I'm gonna go sleep-


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