Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-01-12 - 1:51 p.m. - crazy night

oh wow

last night was crazy

we were soo bad

it was fun stuff

Sasha and I walked downtown from school. We wondered around and did nothingness for a while but it was fun anyway, then Andrea came and we had a lot of fun... we went to Webster's and wrote in the books and other various things. We went to her house and chilled, went in the hot tub, talked about EVERYTHING (and everyone because we're cool like that) - but I really never knew how deep Andrea and Sasha were before this. Sasha seemed sad, but she has good reasons- Sasha!! I'l kill him, he's a meanie. You're amazing, don't let this get you down!

Thennn yeah I dunno why the hell I woke up so early, I just did, (7:56 to be exact), we all lounged around for a while after that but didn't really sleep. Thennn we had to go, Andrea's dad nicely gave us rides. Haha the dog came, and after Sasha left it was like, whining sadly and looking out the back window as we drove away.

Something is rreeaallyy bothering me- and it's what Lauren said in her diary. I called her last night and things seemed fine, but I know they're not. I want to do what Liz always does and backfire to her entry, start a diary war, but I'm not gonna. Lauren, I'm sorry you're not my only friend. I have others. Although- you have been, and still are one of my most cherished friends, I don't understand why you feel as if I'm trying to exclude you, when everytime Laura and I plan a get-together we invite you. It's not our fault you can't go a lot of the time, and it's cool with us. We understand. If you really want to be my friend- that is, if you really want to be close with me and hang out,- God knows you're someone I can confide in- then stop this. Stop insulting me in your diary, stop making me feel bad. I do the best I can, but I can't dedicate myself to you. You've always been one of my best friends, and a stupid quarrel shouldn't pull us apart.


I've been thinking alot about Courtney's party, I wonder who all is going? I'm gonna call Laura (Rubin) back, she was in the shower. I hope Andrea goes tonight, Sasha said she couldn't(?) OH! We saw Laura and Andy downtown last night in Webster's...who knows what they're up to these days...

my mom is a fucking bitch, i hate her


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