Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2003-03-10 - 12:07 p.m. - Manic Monday- Day 3 SB


Okay, um, last time I updated? Saturday.

Oookay... well, yesterday was pretty cool, I guess. I sat around online/cleaned then went for my hair appointment... I told mom that Andrea and I wanted to go to Wal*Mart and get hair dye, because mom told me that 'If I wanted to dye my hair again, I had to pay for it myself'. WELL. She said 'YOU'RE NOT DYING YOUR HAIR AGAIN UNDER MY ROOF!'

That brings up two points

First off, I have ALREADY dyed my hair, several times, 'under her roof'. AND if she doesn't want me doing it 'under her roof', I can do it 'under someone ELSE'S roof' (probably being Andrea's). Mom spazzed out and told me to get the hairstylist to do it, she said she would pay for it, but this would be the last time, you better not dye my hair again young lady I don't want my daughter walking around with roots like a tramp, hear?

YES MOM. That's why I wanted to dye it MY NATURAL COLOR in the first place.

So, I get to the salon and she waashes my hair, trims it, then starts to dye it (PLEASE DYE IT MY NATURAL COLOR, NOTHING FANCY I said). So, she started to dye it and it felt kinda tingly... no big deal. Well, then it felt REALLY tingly, then it started to feel like my head was on fire, the more she put on. I was seriously gonna cry. Soon she got it all on, and it hurt like a bitch. After a little bit I just ignored it and sat there thinking about nothing really. She came back and took it off... washed..whatever.. I suppose it looked okay, not really like my natural color at all. Well, sort of. As long as I have no damned roots.

I still say I should have done it myself from a box at Wal*Mart.

Anyway, I called Andrea but ended up not picking her up. I went home and sat online until Andrea came, then I got all ready and stuff. We... were such retards. The guys were supposed to come at like 6:30, but leave it up to them to get lost and get the house number wrong. So, while waiting, Andrea and I played with candles and got food and played with the music on Adelphia and basically were stupid. (Like, the salsa) Here's the salsa story...

We had nachos, but weren't sure if we had salsa, so we looked in the fridge. Andrea says "hey, there it is, in the back" so we take it out and put it on the island. Unfortunately for us, there is like.. .2 percent of the salsa left in the jar, a tad depressing. So, we're standing there and I think, hmm, maybe there is SOME salsa we can use and I pick up the salsa can. It's like, halfway full, and I say "Hey look... it must have, um, regenerated itself, or something" Then Andrea picks up another salsa can, the one from the refridgerator... yeah. There were multiple salsa cans.

I guess you had to be there?

Anyway, the guys FINALLY showed up at like 7:15... Cameron said "Isn't your house number 208?"'s 280.

So, Cameron and Keenan are there and Keenan finds my teddy bear... hahaha he had fun with it. We hung out, ate, talked, played around with Adelphia, went on a walk. (Keenan is stubborn although he doesn't know what the word means). Came back, ran around my house. I took a few pictures. We played on the piano and harassed my cats. Somehow we got Cameron and Andrea outside. Keenan and I were like "YES! Make-out time!" And Keenan goes "oooh!" and sticks his eye up to the peep hole. JUST THEN, 15 minutes early, Cameron's dad comes. hahaha, Andrea and Cameron must be frustrated...

Anyway, the guys left, so Andrea and I went online. People wrote stupid stuff in her comments box- we KNOW it was Sasha. Yeah, well we had fun in her comments box too. We were laughing so hard, Sasha was all pissed. "STOP WRITING SMART ASS COMMENTS IN MY COMMENTS BOX"

I had a little war with her, but it got boring because she kept saying the same things. YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS! EVERYONE HATES YOU! BLAHBLAHBLAH. And, it really wasn't offending at all.

So, we went downstairs and watched TV...there was this show on CineMax called like "intimate sessions" and there was SO much sex on it. The guy's asses were SO white. Hahaha... and then, we watched Daria on noggin. I love Daria!

Then... 3 in the morning. Woke up and ate, Andrea's mom called and she had to go home (after we fixed my bed a little, and began the tedious process of re-doing my room). We... were gonna go to the two-person band practice tonight, it might be fun. Who knows. I wonder if our parents will let us, or if my mom will even drive me out there.

You know what I found out last night? The lady did SOMETHING to my hair when she dyed it and now I have these scabby things on my scalp that kind of itch and hurt a little bit. It's gross and I don't know what to do about it. Hopefully if I don't touch them they will just go away and I'll have a happy, normal scalp again.

My chin is itchy. I put this Benzol Peroxide stuff on my pimples and it dries the skin out like mad, but I'm SO sick of the acne there.

Heh, I love this song... "Let me be, your sledgehammer, why don't you call my name? Ooohhh...sledgehammer..this will be my, testimony"

It's such a nice day out today, I'm so happy it's spring break... I hate school.

I always leave my contacts in when I sleep now for some reason. I hate taking them out and then taking a million hours to put them in in the morning.

I want my period to start. I've been taking note of when it used to start and stuff, it should have happened by now. I keep thinking maybe, because of the short month last month (February) it's confused? Maybe it's changed a little since I've been hanging out with people who have late periods, and you give off hormones and stuff. I really hope one of those is the case.

haha, Lauren can't find Wilton's number so she's calling every one in the phone book. EVERY Garcia. This is funny. I wonder if she'll get the right one? I hope so!

Lately, I've kind of liked Good Charlotte. Well, kind of. I can see someone like Jes dedicating every song to Andrea. They're all like "YOU DONT KNOW ME, I DONT WANT TO BE YOU, FUCK YOU-ish!!". Jes and Sasha have the strongest senses of self. They seem to think that the world is at the beck and call, and everyone loves them, which is ironic because lately all anyone has been saying is "UG! I can't stand them!" and most people have said they've lost respect for Peter. I know I have. A convo with Ivan which made me laugh...

further is never (5:37:12 PM): like stupid as in they amke up RIDICULOUSLY IDIOTIC stuff then think it's funny becuse they are stupid and put it in their profile so everyone KNOWS HOW STUPID THEY ALL ARE

further is never (5:37:24 PM): sorry

THPANDEX4U87 (5:37:27 PM): i love you

further is never (5:37:28 PM): i think they act dumb

He's definitely not the only one. Jordan Thompson can't stand any of them, Jeana thinks they're immature, Megan Canedy has no respect for Peter anymore, and Bruno has lost all respect for them as well. The list goes on- and these people really did not have a problem with Jes, Sasha OR Peter until they started being stupid and putting things about me or Andrea in their profiles (then lying about when they would take them out). They're those kind of people that always HAVE to have the last laugh, always. A sincerecly secure person will let their foe have the last laugh,...and is aware that the one who remains in silence observes and learns more from the experience. It's obvious, from their actions and words, that neither Jes, Sasha or Peter has EVER let anyone else have 'the last laugh'.

Cameron and Keenan are the greatest. Andrea and I told them a little bit about those stupid people and their random diary war thing. They never liked Sasha in the first place, they think Jes is the ugliest thing to ever walk this earth, and ... well, just like everyone else in the world, they've lost respect for Peter.

uvulabob27 (12:53:00 PM): have you seen peter's info?

tHpandeX4u87 (12:53:08 PM): yeah its sooooooo stupid!!!!

tHpandeX4u87 (12:53:17 PM): most of it is untrue and the rhymes dont even match

uvulabob27 (12:53:19 PM): ive lost all respect for him

tHpandeX4u87 (12:53:20 PM): andrea does NOT deserve this

uvulabob27 (12:53:53 PM): not at all! why the hell is he coming out with all this?

tHpandeX4u87 (12:53:56 PM): I used to really like peter, but he just get so mad for no reason, and says stupid untrue mean things

uvulabob27 (12:54:31 PM): i know! and then look at HIS girlfriend!

tHpandeX4u87 (1:14:05 PM): I already tried iming peter last night, I was TOO reasonable almost

tHpandeX4u87 (1:14:12 PM): and he blocked me

They say they're "mature". Maturity would be, before this whole fight started and five million diary entries were written- maturity would be JES sucking it up and asking me "Liz, I heard you were talking crap about me, is this true?" well, NO. It wasn't true. But- her and Peter felt the need to go being themselves and writing all-out entries on me. Flattered? Yeah, sure, but it's a waste of time to read. So, I just skimmed, then out of nowhere got some more entries and stuff in their profiles. REAL Mature, yep. "LIZ LOOKS LIKE BUTT! LIZ LOOKS LIKE A BULLFROG! LIZ IS SHALLOW, I HATE LIZ!" And was ANY of this directed to me? Nope. It was in their infos and diaries, not ONE of them was strong enough to say anything to my face, or to even ask me in the first place if I had really done anything.


You wanna talk about maturity, Sasha? Let's see...who JUST turned 14, when the rest of us have been 15 for quite a while? Your physical age has a HUGE impact on your mental state in the teen years. You don't give a fuck? Well, good, don't go writing entries ALL about us. I 'give a fuck' about the fact that you'd all have the audacity to be who you are and still think you're God's gift to the world. You can go say you have "MORE FRIENDS THAN YOU LIZ LOL HAHAH" doesn't matter. I'm secure with what and who I am, I know that people generally react to me better than they do to you. I smile and say hi, you glare at them with your icy, bitchy eyes. You know it's true. Deny it to everyone and even to yourself but deep down you know the way you are. You're a liar and a cheater, Mack Mixon never hated Andrea or I, nor did Sam hate us. Think the fact that I'm NICE to people is annoying? Good for you, let's see who gets a better deal in life when it comes to our attitudes towards it. You're going off to fuck any guy you see and get pregnant, catch STD's. Sorry, I'm not loose like that. You would retaliate with "YEAH YOU COULDN'T GET ANY IF YOU TRIED ATLEAST I GET SOME FROM MY BOYFRIENDS" What I never understood was... why are guys even attracted to you? Sure, you have a pretty face, (although Joe Charney did say you had sideburns). But... don't guys LIKE boobs? You don't have any! You have a weird ass and you walk funny, plus you're mean to EVERYONE and you yell at people for no reason and hate people because they're 'weird' or 'fat' or 'annoying' or 'they hit on me'. Honestly, I think you lie about all those guys who you've 'done stuff with' and 'have hit on you'. I think you make it all up, so you feel better about yourself.

You are NOTHING SPECIAL. You're just another bitchy teenager with a few 'friends' who you'll end up getting in fights with anyhow. Honestly, I can't wait until you and Jes get in a fight. Peter will side with her, Nicole will hopefully get a life elsewhere and stay out (because obviously she hasn't anything better to do than comment on other people's problems). Who will you run to when you hate Jes again? Who will you trash talk her to? You used to trash talk her to Andrea and I all the time "OHHH JES IS SO UGLY SHES SUCH A BITCH I HATE THAT GIRL" but then you'd go and be nice to her. Does she know this? Does she know all the things you'd say about her, but to her face you'd be Sweet Lil Sasha...?

I don't think she does. Maybe someone ought to tell her, let her know what kind of a person she's trusting as her 'Best Friend'.

I can't wait until you flip out on Jes too, Sasha. You will have NOBODY but Eric and Nate. And then, you'll flip out on poor Eric, too, and you'll dump him and break his heart like you do with EVERY GUY. Nate probably won't like you too much then, he's too loyal to his friends. So, where will you be? You'll have no more 'friends' left to trash talk, no more 'friends' left to say you "LOVE SO MUCH BFF' and then to betray, to like the guys they like, to take their boyfriends, to be 'annoyed' with.

Where will you be then?

All alone, that's where you'll be.


As I said before, I don't give two hoots about Peter and Jes, or Ngoni, or Nicole... but I'd really like to kick the shit out of Sasha.

Hmm, it's Monday. I haven't gone to Rec or IM to run yet. Sure, it's only the third day of break and all- but the coach said. "We will know who is a real runner or not on the 17th" (or something to that extent). I have such a tough time gaining endurance, but once I do get it, I can be an amazing runner... I know it. Hopefully maybe tomorrow I can to to rec. I think its track is better, honestly. It's all basketball season-ish, so who knows who will be at these places. Last year I was going out with...or going to go out with Trevor Shipley. He used to drag me around to IM and Rec, I hated those places but I loved seeing him.

I think the only reason I don't want to unlock my diary is because I don't want to give those people the pleasure of knowing I wrote about them. They'd have a field day. Sasha would be all "HEEHEE Liz dedicated like an ENTRYYY to lil ole mee!!!!!" No, not really. It's a pretty long entry and definitely not all about her. I didn't really say anything about Jes, but I'd probably get a diary entry anyhow. Peter...well, that's inevitable. Doesn't matter WHO I'm 'insulting', as long as Peter remotely knows them, he uses that as an excuse to write a stupid entry about me and make up stuff...stuff that's so wrong and untrue that it's almost funny.

Anyhow, I'm pretty bored and tired, wondering if the guys are actually gonna call Andrea or me, probably will. I have work to do in my room but I'm way too lazy right now to do it. Maybe I'll go to that and download some cool stuff for aim.

WELL. I'm out.

Much love and whatnot-


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