Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2003-05-01 - 9:57 p.m. - dancing and singing into my hand

tonight was awesome

it was spent ...being outside tanning, reading Death Be Not Proud, getting voice lesson, watching friends and dancing around crazilly to songs on Kazaa... I LOVE IT. I'm crazy. I swear. It was SO FUN dancing and singing, because I was home alone... and Shine is easy to dance to, so I just...had a blast. As Andrea said, it's a Summer thing. Who knows! Maybe I feel Summer coming on.

Teachers obviously don't!

Today was okay. Nothing new or great, kinda hate myself at times, but when I'm not at school I'm fine with myself. I think I just kinda hate it THERE.

iiii have random plans fer tomorrow night, depends what Laura is doing, Bart and Jess and whatnot. WOW Bart and Jess are SO cute. Seriously. I wish I could have what they have.

WAIT! I already did and you know WHAT it's not worth it.

I need to work out tonight, I'm seriously so fat... I can't believe I'm saying this about myself! In Pittsburgh people are ALLOWED TO EAT. (no, I'm not making a wisecrack at anyone at all, that's how I feel about the state college community as a whole)...everyones like IF MY RIBS ARENT SHOWING THEN NO BOYS WILL LIKE ME and you know what? I feel like that now too. GUHHH mom needs to get me to a GYM i look and feel like a blimp.


I never really liked the get up kids before the concert, but now ...well. I do. They rock:-)

This diary business is getting pretty stupid. I've been thinking about it for a LONG time now and I could support my feelings essay almost. But I don't feel like it tonight, and also, I love my diary.

And I love my fishy. He's doing so well.

Haven't seen bagel boy recently and I don't really care either. He's a short hot senior and that's all there is to it.

I didn't run today. Should have. Might skip track tomorrow since districts isn't happening for me again. Saddening since I actually worked this season. actually wanted it and actually tried. Obviously not hard enough.

WELLI'm outtt,

download shine! collective soul!!! awesome song!


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