Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2003-05-03 - 1:05 p.m. - Crazy drive in

Last night was crazy and bad

After calling gazillions of people and not having a ride but having a ride...we had nobody to get into the drive in with, so my dad just dropped Andrea and I off there. We stood around until we realized that you can, in fact, get in without a car. Laura was supposed to call her cell, and Cameron and Keenan were supposed to be there (but we never saw them). We walked around and went to the front clearing thing and played "Smear the Queer" with some 13 year olds. It was cool with them until later on they had some of their lil friends ask us "Hey do you think my friend is HOTT"...and they bragged about having sex. I was like, "can you even get a boner??".

Some hot belleftone guys talked to us later, which was much better. They were like "do you have any tobacco stuff?" and we were like..."no... you'd see it if we did...". They were cool. One was Megan Hill's brother, we were debating whether to go hang out with them or not but then these Bellefont chicks came and were all "HEYYYYyyy". They had too much make up and too little clothing on, man, it was freezing out there! So Andrea and I, with our sweatshirts and jackets on, walked around and debated about how we were going to get home.

I told dad we had a ride home since I thought we were meeting Laura there. Well, we never saw Laura.

Andrea and I went and hung out in the bathroom. It was disgusting. There was a dead moth in the sink and it was just...gross. We got hot chocolate and drank it until intermission (WOW that movie just went on and on). Then, walked around.

I felt like we were stranded on a desert Island- seeing Jess and Bart was like our rescue ship.

They were with Megan and Stosh. It was awesome to see them and they wre gonna give us a ride home so things were good. I called mom who was half awake and didn't care about anything but the fact that she didn't have to come get us.

We slept through Daredevil, since we had already seen it anyway. THEN went home. Everything is so blurry. I was half awake.. Bart and his dad put the seat back in the car, Jess and I sat in the middle. We ate pretzels and talked about Spongebob. Andrea sat in the back with Stosh and Megan and Bart was in the front with his dad. I only had one earring in.

Patrick: Are you Squidward?

fire hydrant: ...

Patrick: That's alright, take your time

I laughed so hard and don't remember a thing.

THEN we got home, at like 1:30. Nobody was awake, not even Teddy. We got some snacks and other various things, one disgusting tasting thing that we were too sleepy for to have any fun with anyway. Then went to sleep. At like 2:15 or something.

this morning we buried my fish. SOMEONE THREW LOLA AWAY but Charlie was still in the freezer. We had a little ceremony, a prayer and everything, and I made a tombstone. Mom is gonna get a flower to plant above his grave today, she may have left by now.

I think I'm gonna sit out and tan soon since it's so nice out (although a little chilly), but it's sunny. We have somewhat plans for tonight, I'm gonna try to get in touch with Laura although...who knows what she's doing.

I wonder what Laura RUBIN is doing tonight? Or Lauren. We should all chill.

I was looking through old conversations from the beggining of the year, around homecoming time. We were all so happy then, I miss it. This year is just so dull, and one-track. Last year things were constantly changing and there were always different boyfriends and friends and things to do...this year is like "like everyone who won't like you back!" year. I've actually been told two times this week, from different guys ABOUT different guys "Oh, he wouldn't be in to you...". WELL thanks. One of them was Nick Consodine, and guess what? NOONE will ever be into HIM, so maybe he's just being a pathetic loser there.

Death be not Proud is such a good book. It's sad, but very good. As a quote from his mother, "Death puts you face to face with life".

Well, I'm off...


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