Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-05-15 - 5:09 p.m. - Drove the chevy to the foodles, THE FOODLES AINT DRY!

Life's been good.

YESTerday was fun. BS'd english and talked about screen names...and stuff. Then was choir. I'm not too into choir, but I guess it's fun, an easy A.

Just took notes 3rd period. That Study giude has been killer, I swear. I'm kind of sick of doing it and I'm not nearly done.

Despite the fact that it's science, 4th period was good. Jen drew this cute thing on my hand that said "Carnival"- aww! I wanted to take a picture of it, it was so cute. We had a test TODAY in science and I totally failed. Horribly. As in, I did so bad that it's not even passing by any chances. I really wanted the A again. I wanted straight A's this time... for the first time in my life. I thought just maybe I could get them, and no, we have to have a test practically every week on lectures that we only remember a small percentage of. It's depressing because I know I have like... a C. And in math, probably a B because I UNDERSTAND NOTHING and... I dunno. Maybe I'm not working hard enough. Maybe I should just dedicate my life to school and spend all my time working on school stuff and go to sleep early so I don't randomly fall asleep in health or something (I swear I was narcoleptic today). Yeah so I'll be School Freak with no friends and a 78578649.95685 GPA and no life but to run home and Do My Homework, Yay!


There has to be some way to have a life and still get A's. Isn't there?

Yes. There is. It's called Take College Prep.

(no offense to the college prep kids. Just bear with me. I'm frustrated).

Luckilly Algebra is cool.

I think we have a science quiz tomorrow. I'm going to cry. I can't have a C again.

I got an A last time, so parents are letting me have a party. It's gonna be sometime in early June- they said "small party". Well too bad. It's gonna be about as big, if not bigger than, my party in the fall. It will be a lot better, of course. I won't start decorating like right before.

Parents are screaming downstairs- they must have found the tearsheet I finally brought home.

Mr. Thompson got my tearsheet since they article couldn't be printed. Wow, I was SO happy- It's exciting to see MY name above an article, even though it never got printed. I think they're going to frame it:-D. I did spend a lot of time on it, even though the editor changed a LOT- that's okay. It kinda made it better in a way and that's what editors are for, right?

I have a huge headache.

AND a study guide to do. Woo.

This weekend is promising to be fun. Friday is either TJ's party or something else, and Saturday is CARNIVAL:-D. I'm trying to get together a lot of people to go, so far I have Andrea, Conor and Lauren, maybe Laura

BY THE WAY LAUREN- I love you ! YOU CAN GET SO MUCH BETTER. Seriously, you are one of the nicest, most awesome people I know.

anyhow, back to yesterday (which was Tuesday). I slept a lot during 7th and 8th periods, then met up with Lauren and hung out with her and Jared after school...we walked around, put our backpacks in random places, and went by the weight room a few times and flirted with whoever was there. I met the kid with the pretty eyes that I seem to see a lot. Laura Rubin was there too... and we hung out with her. It was seriously so cool, I haven't chilled with those two in the LONGEST time and we still act like crazy fools around each other. Then we met up with Kevin and some other guys infront of the carnival. There was some girl acting really weird...

But, we had fun with them Some guy (Ramadan's brother, I forget his name). He had a sock and made it talk to us. Some other guy had a pick and stuck it in his hair, and there was a kid fighting with the weird girl. Kevin's uncle came by and he showed us his cousin, Tristen- AWWWW. He was SO cute.

Then, I got on the late bus and went tanning. It was cool but I missed Andrea:-(.

Mrs. Bargo was at the house when I got home. She had a puppy and it was so cute- amazingly cute. She already had a dog, Nittany, he's still kind of a puppy, and now she has Lexi, a littler puppy. She was all soft and little and when you put her on the ground, she looked like a blob. Lexi and Nittany played so nicely, they get along very well. I wish Spaz and Tugger did, too. Oh well, atleast Spaz and Shady are friends.

Speaking of pets! I don't think I ever mentioned that I got two new fish! They're littler goldfish, one is greyish. His name is Antony. The other is the prettiest light gold, and her name is Cleo(patra). All three of them get along very well and ...they're just the best pets, and so smart! They know when their feeding time is (around 7 or 8) and when they see me walk over they know it's time to get fed, and they all huddle up in the corner looking at me... aww, I love them.

Dad and I are probably going to make this our hobby. Since Aunt Shelly was allergic to fur when dad was a kid, he could only get fish- so fish he got. He had so much fun in the petstore when we were looking at the fish. He named all these kinds he knew and said we'd have to get another tank (because as the Petco guy said "Goldfish are nasty" and other fish can't live with them). We saw a bunch we'd like, one being of course, the glowing one- I can't remember its name but it was pretty sweet. And I want that one with puffy eyes, and a clownfish! A clownfish would be SO cool, but you'd been a big tank. I wonder what kind of water these all live in? I suppose we can ask there.

When I bought the fish, the store guy put some kind of fish sedative to calm them down into their bag. I asked him if he was "drugging my fish" and he said "Yes. But it's safe"

I guess you had to be there.

I've been sp psyched for Kennywood day- I'm actually going on USC's Kennywood day, I can't WAIT to see Maria and Em and Jordan and Tess and EVERYONE... You'd think I'd loathe it, but I don't. Am I finally getting over it?

And it brings in those usual LizAsAUSC'er questions like "what ammi gonnawear?!". I've decided I need shorts and a tank top and sunglasses... so, I'm off to TJMaxx sometime soon.

Hey, any opinions about my party date... I wanna have it either the weekend right after school ends or the weekend before that one- any ideas!? I'd really appreciate help on this decision, so if you guys could sign my comments box and or something, please do! Thanks!

Nothing really exciting happened today. In study hall, Andrea and I saw a horoscope site that said some pretty funny things... it's crazy how everything always aligns with everything else.

Was Narcoleptic in health. I seriously could NOT stay awake. I would try SO hard and then find myself dozing off all the time. People were giving presentations, too! I'd hope nobody would fall asleep for mine, so I didn't want to fall asleep for anyone else's. Maybe I need to get to bed earlier.

Sean insists I'm pregnant with his kid. It doesn't have a name and apprently it's due in a month. We keep reffering to the 'baby' as an 'it' even though we've designated that it is, indeed, a girl.

I can't wait for Ren Fair on Monday. It's always fun to just bum around- sucks I have journalism. But,I'll probably be down there 2nd for Study Hall, part of 3rd for World Cultures, 5th for Study Hall... maybe we can convince some teachers to take us down, Who knows. I have a shirt I bought a LONG time ago which I think will be perfect... it's very Ren-Fair-Ish. It's like black silkyish, I think it's hot.

This entry has been SO long, and I need to go work so I can watch FRIENDS tonight! Seeya!


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bipolar eh - 5:46 a.m. , 2006-04-29

dar - 12:33 p.m. , 2006-04-17

fun - 12:29 a.m. , 2006-02-20

Pittsburgh over Seahawks 21-10 Superbowl XL - 8:22 a.m. , 2006-02-08

dreamin - 9:46 p.m. , 2005-12-18