Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-05-16 - 4:21 p.m. - whatodo

Mom read my diary last night and was flipping about me 'being 8 months pregnant'


anyway, i'm gonna lock it, if anyone wants the pw just IM me- i'll give it to you, the only person im hiding this from is my mom... so i dont care about anyone else

Plans for tonight are confusing. Could go to the party, were gonna go see a movie and now we might go to someone's house- Crazy. They all sound like good ideas, all have their pros and cons... okay- the party. FLIRT like MAD and Laura says a lot of people are going, but it's gonna rain and I don't feel like getting groped or having pictures of my boobs taken. Movie- only con is I don't wanna spend money. House- it sounds cool cuz we'll get to just chill and watch movies... but there won't be that mane people there. I have no idea what I'm in the mood for, I wonder if TJ invited a certain person to his party, because that may change things (in a good way, for all you paranoid people who think I'm talking about you there)

I've decided I'm gonna have my party on June 7th, after the dance which is on June 6th... and if the dance happens to change, then my party will, too. No biggie. It'll be a basic "SCHOOL'S almost OUT" party kinda thing.. I was gonna have it after school was out but people go on vacation.

pretty much everyone will be invited, as long as I can think of a good strategy to ask mom, assuming she looked over what I wrote yesterday:-/ (THAT SHE WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO READ). So, yeah.

I might go see a movie.


who knows.

now i have a decison..ill probably go to the movie, it might not be the most fun but parties can either be amazing or horrible and i don't wanna risk it... plus bruno tim and andrea are awesome, so i guess it'll be cool?

wow, i'm horribly indecisive

I'll probably put the username and PW in my aim profile. You want it, look there.


i'm out...hope everyone has fun tonight


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