Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2003-06-20 - 10:39 p.m. - Multiple bus runnings


everyone should go see it. It was a VERY nice movie and I enjoyed it a lot:-) AND WHO KNOWS. It might just find its way to my DVD collection, since I have one and all.

hahaha (sorry bruno!!! I heart you! I just thought it was so good)

okay. So what have I been up to? Last time I updated the rents were still mad at me... but it's cool now, mom randomly decided to not be angry anymore.

So Wednesday night Andrea, Tim and Pu came over. I had to clean beforehand and it was kinda blah. But, we had fun I guess. Andrea and Pu talked about things and Tim and I flipped through the DMX channels on Adelphia. Oh, and mom talked to him about communism... he didn't say anything back, but once she left he argued his points to ME...and I'm like...whoa now. I know nothing about this? Wait, what's Marxism- no, please don't actually tell m-.... oh man...

Then we kinda chilled in my living room. Nobody could get the clicker back from Tim. Pu laid on Andrea's boob.

They left at about 10:30 and Andrea and I watched Practical Magic which was a good movie! Then, we talked, and went upstairs and talked a LOT about everyfreakinthing and then weren't tired anymore (at three THIRTY TWO in the morning) we made pants. Well, not really, we painted on ones that I had... only the front though. The back still needs painted.

Then went to bed at about 4:30.

Woke up, got a ride to her place, took showers and again RAN to the bus stop... only to find out, the time we were trying to take it, doesn't run in the summer. so we stood there and did nothing for quite some time.

Then went dt, met Chelsae....went into Abercrombie, tried on clothes I love it there:-). You can call me a prep, a wannabe, a ditz, whatever, I don't care. I LIKE ABERCROMBIE AND I INTEND ON BUYING CLOTHES THERE.

So anyhow, then we go to the hub to get chinese only to see that the pande express is freakin closed, and soo we go back downtown...and get taco bell/subway. Taco bell hates me now. But it's okay.

and then Mclanahan's, where we see Conor...and... Jon Weedin (Remember CSK? cute short kid?) I THINK that was him...7th grade. WAY back. Yeah, called him Short cute kid.Anyway

we hung out with them. a COP yelled at Conor for 'sticking his hands down his pants infront of the young ladies'...hahaha it was so funny. We tried to get condoms but they had closed by then.

We all left at random times, Andrea on bus, Cheslae by car, then me...and who knows what Conor and Jon did after that.

I went to my voice lesson.

Everything is feeling better, even though my allergies had been getting to me. I'm going to miss Liz so much when she moves, she's the best voice coach ever... the lady she is going to possibly transfer me to is pretty strict, I hear, so, I'm a little worried. Hopefully everything will be alright.

After voice, we went to Petco to get a filter for my fishies:-D and a job application... and there is a new party store opening up nextdoor to it. I went in, and there are all these construction men there... So There I Am, in a low cut tank top, push up bra and short shorts... asking about job applications and being all smiley so maybe I'll get hired incase someone involved in that happened to be aroumd. They told me to go to the back and see the manager. He looked about 5'11, maybe 40ish, and a little perverted-seeming. Just a look in his eyes, I dunno. Got an application and left. That was an interesting time.

Then went home and basically bummed around...watched dumb and dumber. Alright movie I duno.

Then bummed around.

The next morning was supposed to be a "beauty day" with mom. WELL she wasnt even home. So I talked to people online, ate a little, felt blah. Dad came home. I made plans for the night.. and Teddy had something to do too! Erik and him were planning on seeing the Hulk.

Mom comes home eventually. Her and I went tanning and to the Y. We signed up, looked around. There was a counselor yelling at a group of boys. It wasn't pretty. They have a goldfish who has been alive for a year, without a filter, and with random feeding times. I forget his name. We had to walk through a gym (as in a place with basketball hoops and little kids) to get to the GYM. I'd never been there before, so it was a little confusing. Mom and I walked through the locker room looking for the gym, that only got us to the pool. Then there was the gym. Mom gets on a treadmill and I freak out because there are people I know there, one being David Devan, who I has a crush on for a while. He's gorgeous. I remember someone mentioning that he went to the Y before. Anyway, and guess who is NOT gorgeous when they run?


After a bit of freaking out age, I decided to say "fuck it, I wanna be skinny" and I ran 2 miles. Then mom showed me this dorky retard way of lifting. Wonderful.

Went home and took a shower... Andrea called about this amazing sale at Candie's. Dad came home with my money, so I had about 65 bucks. Went to the mall...annndd... to CANDIES. Wow there were SHOES everywhere. I ended up buying 3 pairs... hahaha. One pair of black flip flip looking things with a piece of thing through the middle, I don't know how to explain them, but they're awesome. Then these blue flip flops that have the COOLEST bead pattern on them, and a pair of CLEAR sneakers... how cool is that!!! I'll have to get some cute socks to wear with them or something.

Then we went to Subway... I ran and got a pretzel, haha, I love the cinnamon ones with chocolate sauce. And, a sub at subway. Sat and talked and this family was looking at us like we were whores... we left and gave them sickly sweet smiles because they were staring at us.

...And who wouldn't?

(that was our theme of the night. "WE'RE HOT!") I'm probably gonna get sooo much shit for saying that, but HEY. guess what DIE. If we wanna be happy with ourselves, let us. Geeeeez.

Then to Big Lots, got candy and make up, and met Tim at the theater. Pu wouldn't come:-(. Saw ALEX AND EMMA WHICH WAS AMAZING. Laura Rubin was there with Andy, seeing Finding Nemo.. I HEART LAURA. She better come to Players next week (cuz I know I am).

then the movie was over and WE ALMOST MUSSED THE BUS. We pulled ANOTHER running like wild women to the bus, which we just barely made. (we had to go meet our brothers downtown). So, we got on the was really cool, the lighting was all green and I couldn't see anything outside, I didn't know where I was at all. It felt like the bus in PGH when we'd always take it to get wherever... it was fun.

Then met the boys at the theater. It seemed like they had a fun time seeing the Hulk. There were some random Sophomores hanging around, LIKE USUAL AHHh they're ALWAYS THERE. It's almost annoying. Almost.

We walked around like we were hot shit and checked out every guy we saw. We tried to not pay attention to the fact that our little brothers were right behind us.

To Panera. The boys didn't like the walk.

Chilled there and dad came. Dropped Andrea and Erik off at their house, and then us 3 went home.

I heart my shoes. Splurged soooo bad, I have about 15 bucks left now. I'm gonna have to be craft about everything this next week... only going tanning once before players, and then 5 goes to players, and maybe one movie but that's it and no food dt unless it's only a dollar.

Hopefully the sun will come out a little bit so I can get tan without paying for it...

I wonder what movies are even out this week....there's like nothing I even wanna see that bad, I don't know what we'll do next week! haha. Thursday is always stay at home day. Wednesday is Players. Hopefully I'll be spending time and the gym and maybe finding out how to use ab machine things. AH I really wanted to go tot he athletic club know, North club, south club, where all the cool people go. Dave Devan is hot and everything but well...whatever. Still wanna go to the other gym.

So There Was This Guy. Don't a lot of bad horrible stupid stories start of like that? Anyway, so there was a guy. He... was really kinda coming on to me, and I was interested in him for a while, only to find out he's SUCH A PLAYER. It was really saddening and I kinda told him off for it (I showed him the things he said to someone else that they gave to me, and I said "haha. Disgusting:-)") He wanted to know where I was going with it, and I told him that it was obvious he hit on everyone. Yeah, so that's over before it even remotely began... Back to square one. Sigh.

tH pand EX4U87: hewwo

Dan: hi

tH pand EX4U87: i KNEW you were going to say that

Dan: lol

Dan: i got to go to bed

tH pand EX4U87: before i checked the im i was like "ill bet hes gonna be unfriendly and say 'hi' cuz i doubt he wants to talk to me"

tH pand EX4U87: alright go masturbate

tH pand EX4U87: ttyl

Dan: k

Dan: i'll pretend your here

Dan signed off at 11:33:29 PM. quare one.

That's someone that Andrea harassed... so I did too. haha.

We've decided that we're gonna have someone by the 4th of july. Doesn't it suck when you think you will, and then you don't? Hum well I'M GONNA. Just watch me.

Lately things have been so weird in that aspect. One minute I'm feeling so hot, like I could have almost anyone and it doesn't matter if one person doesn't like me because someone else will, and then the next minute I'm like WHOA im gonna be single forever. Who knows.

I wonder if Daria is on tonight. I watched it last night and it rocked my socks... Daria is DEF my hero, along with Tori Amos. I want my right eyebrow pierced and my belly button.

Maybe the weather will get nicer.

aimblows116: my mom just gave me matching slippers and PJ pants with flames on them!!!!!!!!!!!!

haha conor makes me chuckle.

You know what I wanna do? A cast list. It's like a list of everyone I talk about in here, maybe links to their diaries, or not if they don't have one, ...basically a list of people, what they are to me... I'll try and not offend anyone, although I'm not fond of all people in this world...I'm sure noone likes everyone. So I'll do that in Microsoft word, then maybe put it into my diary tomorrow or something. Then write a stupid entry over it just because.

Sorry these are so long. I'm way too into documenting my life... I need to buy a new camera soon...


Liz. :-)

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