Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2003-06-29 - 12:10 a.m. - feeling for the writing

Today, I realized, I should write more about what I think in here than what I do. Diaries should showcase the mental and emotional growth of someone over a period of time, not who they hung out with (although that is a portion of it).

Today, on the way back from Penns Cave, I was thinking about nouns. There has GOT to be something out there that is NOT a noun. Nouns are physical things, correct? A person you can talk to, a thing you can touch, and a place you can be. I racked my mind, and I KNEW there was something that is not a noun.

An idea.

A thought.

Those... figments of our brains, are NOT nouns. Or atleast, I didn't think they were when I was in the car.

My abs REALLY hurt. Well, they're sore, and I keep thinking it's because of my working out on the ab thing at the gym... but that was on Thursday. So I dunno.

Laura is having a party on July 5, from 7-11 pm at her place. She told me to invite EVERYONE and to tell them to bring people, too... so that's basically what I did. I hope people come.

You know what? I'm tired but I do not feel like sleeping.

I'm so tired and blah. I think tomorrow I'm going to go to the Y and RUN a LOT. And, I don't know, Justin wanted me to go to YG with him, but I haven't talked to him.

I hate how I can't talk about things in here.

I need to get off this internet, THIS IS NOT WHO I AM. i need to say fuck everything and go back to being a bookworm and loving the library and staying up late reading and WRITING all my thoughts, and just...developing a stronger character and view on things. And what am I REALLY doing? Going online, being stupidly social all the time and I REALLY have no time for anything literary because of the internet, and my lack of self control.

It's the summer, I should have this all down.

I want to sing, too. It's one of those things that you don't need to just is. I heard a quote once, "Music is what feeling sounds like"


"Experience is a tough teacher because it gives the test before the lesson"



*wow. This time in the last two years, a lot was going on... 2 years ago i was in MUCHO trouble for the skating camp thing and i was really tight with Ivan because we lived so close. One year ago, was me and maria's CRAZY NIGHT IN SC. Hahahaha that was the BEST NIGHT EVER. Tonight, well, I sat online. Things will be happening in the next two weeks... like, parties, players, arts fest, choir camp, working at wegmens, and other things:-). Crazy how nothings goin on now.

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