Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
Diaryland - Newest - Older - Guestbook - Profile

2003-07-10 - 5:54 p.m. - Wednesday/Thursday

Old Matchbox20... definitely the shit.

Okay, so details about yesterday.

Teddy and I mey Andrea and Erik at Panera around 1. We walked around and Bruno met us... we stopped and talked to Cameron and Tj, whose brother was selling bows and arrows with foam tips. Crazy, but apparently they made good money from it.


Okay, so it's Andrea, Bruno and I...we walk into the AIDS foundation. There is a man sitting at a desk, and to our left there is a cupboard which has many different styles of condoms in it.

Andrea: (sheepishly) Um, can we have some condoms?

Man: Sure... just in that cupboard

:We all go to the cupboard and open it:

Bruno: (as if we are either doing something totally normal, or planning on having a threesome) Hehe! Sorry! It's our first time

:Andrea and I try not to laugh: We all grab condoms, which INCLUDE female condoms and freakin dental dams, whatever they were. We rushed out of there laughing and almost not being able to find out way to the door.


Saw a lot of people on the street.

The boys went off, leaving Andrea and I to do whatever... we went into Abercrombie. I got this awesome thong that ties on the sides:-), haha they gave me a HUGE bag for this little thong...

Okay... so, we go into Panera. Again. Laura was there with people, ...whoa. There were a LOT of people there. Allison, Ivan, Shelby, Jordan, Conor, - the list goes on. I don't remember much from this besides Andrea and I waiting for our brothers, me standing in the rain purposely to get soaked, Andrea and I running down to McLanahan's to get candy, Wolf calling her, getting flicked off by Jordan F....?

Saw Teddy and Erik who had blown all their money on Magic Cards. So. We went to Baby's. Zack was wandering about outside and we called him in. He encec up leaving in a huff back to Playland, where everyone was apparently.

So. We ended up going there.

And a lot of people were there.

And then other stuff, I don't know, we did a lot, it all ended up with Andrea meeting Wolf infront of playland after we all 'went pee' in the movie theater with Bruno. Keith and his friend was there, Ivan and Jordan, Shelby, Al and Jan and some random juniors.

Which eventually condensed to Andrea, Wolf, me, Keith, his friend, Ivan, Jordan, Al and Shelby just chilling infront of Playland, talking about whatever. I have no idea what happened to Keith and his friend, but all the rest of us ended up going to the Goodwill, then to the library, where we got online and stuff. Andrea and Wolf left to go to their movie, Shelby's mom came and got her. Ivan and Jordan were playing on this crazy-ass chess set against Allison. I went to Panera by myself and sat there for a while wondering what to do. LH hadn't called me, and it was about 7:30. I called Tim, since he's my 'boyfriend' according to everyone. While waiting for Tim to come, I saw Keith walking around and I called him over. We talked, I wished him luck with his thing he was going to do. Tim and I walked down Allen and we saw Peter, and we all decided to walk down to Players since Peter was going there anyway. Just as we're walking, with noplace inteded on actually going, LH calls. I'm like. Grrreaaaat timingggg. Talked to him and his friend for a while about the weirdest things would not believe. They hang up, and Tim and I walked down an alley that I had never seen before ever, leaving Peter to do whatever (which included assuming that I like Tim).

We went to that park thing and kinda talked. Learned a few things about Tim that I hadn't ever known before, crazy.

Just as we're leaving, Andrea calls. Apparently something was going on and she wanted me down there, so we hurriedly made our way to the Uni-Mart close to Baby's. It was only her and Wolf, but I found out later that many '10 year olds' (aka the juniors who look like they're 10) had been swarmed around, and she hated it. Wolf left, leaving Tim, Andrea and I to walk down to Taco Bell/Subway.

Her dad came and got us and we said bye to Tim.

Came back to Andrea's. Went in the hot tub, she was talking to Wolf, and LH called my cell. He is so...awesome. It sucks that he lives so far away. Seriously, I could have talked to him forever, but it was my dad's cell, and I remember the last time I did that....

then we watched a movie and went to sleep.

Today was chill around, eat a lot and watch MTV day.

I'm off to get ready for voice, then the Y.

TOMORROW is downtown, for more ARTS fest...yes yes.


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