Someone said once "Don't hang your dirty laundry in public" or something to that effect. WHY you would hang dirty laundry, instead of clean laundry to dry, is beyond me- but what I can tell from that statement is... there's no need to talk about anything too personal. Welcome to the diary of generic girly thoughts.
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2003-10-13 - 2:09 a.m. - Catching Up

It definitely does not feel like 2 in the morning.

Right now, I'm on my break from that study guide thing. It was a bad idea putting it off as long as I did.

So. past 4 days. I don't know why I never feel like writing my life story in here anymore- how long has it been since I've done one of those essay entries, with all my activites and thoughts spread out into a variety of paragraphs.

Mom has started cracking down on my upcoming party. She gave me a very hard time about the bands before I went to Andrea's on Saturday, but luckilly that was resolved today after work. She also gave me a hard time about how many people I want to invite, but again, that isn't an issue.

Hughseville band is still coming, even after my thoughts of telling them not to because of mom's band problems. I don't want to have to pay them, and I was thinking maybe I'd ask for donations from people to help pay for them- they want somewhere around 50 dollars. Although I work, I still can't afford that along with decorations, food and drinks. That's another reason I was going to tell them not to play. According to Steve, they can't just COME- they have to come to play. It would be really helpful if some people could help me in paying the band. I'm not asking for a lot, 5/10 bucks, that would help out immensely. I know a lot of people want them to come, so it would be awesome to get some help.



Who monograms votive candles. Honestly.


Things with Nick had been ... frustrating last week. I saw him Wednesday in the North building after 5th. That night he IMed me and started talking about this and that, being sugary sweet and bringing up our old inside jokes. I didn't take to it, since before he had been so rude to me for no reason. Thursday night- he was- by far, the rudest he had been to me yet. It was a horrible conversation in which he went on about how I am such a bad person, and how I'm this and that and this and that... I'll admit that it got to me. But I've done a lot of thinking since then, and I've realized that there is so much more to my life than what he stated in his attacks. There are many things I should be worried about and thinking about right now, and all that he said really means nothing. It was fluff. Overexaggerated fluff.

For some reason, things I say keep ending up in Andrea's comments box. I don't really mind it, I'm just wondering who in the world would want to go through my older entries, look for a poorly worded statement then use it under the name of Lizz in Andrea's comments box. It's a little strange, almost like I have a comments box stalker or something.

Anyhow, I haven't talked to Nick since Thursday. Jan asked him about our conversation and why he was so mean to me, and he said "Well. I was bored."

Now, what does that say about him, I wonder.

Anyway, Friday after school I went to Andrea's house. That was pretty cool, because I really like being around Andrea. I feel more confident around her, like things people say about me don't matter and that I can just be myself.

Her dad gave us a ride downtown. We hung out by the goodwill and talked for a while before meeting up with Conor and Alex, then Lance. Andrea left with Lance, and I walked down to the corner room with Conor And Alex. They went inside, and I met up with Bruno.

It had been a while since I spent time with Bruno. We talked about alot of things. He's changed a great deal since 8th grade, but that's alright. It's not a negative change at all. He's just...different, but I still like being around him and having conversation with him.

We walked down to the movie theater and saw a lot of people, said hi, and went to playland with Jan. Nobody was in there, so the three of us wandered the streets until coming back to the movie theater and meeting up with Peter. It was basically the four of us, sitting outside the theater, talking about this and that. What a change of scenery for me. These were three people that I hadn't really had a good conversation with in a while. Peter confuses me the most. Normally we don't talk and it seems as if he really has a dislike for me, but we were able to talk about things on Friday. Again, the 4 of us walked to Playland. Jan met up with her boyfriend.

Bruno, Peter and I left Playland and stood there talking. Will and Jordan came out, involved in some sort of excited conversation. We walked to Subway with them.

This was an interesting time. Apparently I missed some strange woman asking them "Is there a problem here?". That left Jordan saying periodically through the night "hey Liz. IS THERE A PROBLEM HERE?"...wait, you weren't there..."

It was awesome hanging out with them in Subway. I was with a bunch of other people that night, I'll get into that later, but out of all the people I was with, this was my favorite. I've known those people for longer than I've known anyone here almost, and I felt so comfortable around them, as if being ME was okay. I didn't need to impress them or make them think I'm 'cool' or good enough to hang out with them. It was

And where did we go from Subway? Playland, of course. The boys played a racing game and I saw TYLER GENTZEL haha and Nick C, who was going to bring his skateboard back to his car with his friend that I forget his name now. I walked with them. (or rather, jogged to keep up with them skating). We stopped to talk to a group of juniors that I really didn't know and wasn't very comfortable around. Luckilly that was only breif.

We stopped again infront of some antique store on caulder when Dan called my cell. He was with Ingmar and some other kid. They came and met me down where I was with Nick and his friend. All 6 of us talked before Nick and his friend decided to skate off.

Dan, Ingmar, that other kid and I stood infront of the antique store as they smoked their random cloves and we talked. I hadn't hung out with those guys before, and they were a lot of fun, even though it was weird because I despised them last year.

We walked around. A lot. We walked in circles and squares around town, talking and them being stupid, calling some guy and asking him to call them back. Down at the movie theater, a lot of people were there, including Bruno who seemed angry that I left him, although he was with a lot of friends so he didn't seem too upset. Conor was again with a bunch of random girls, and there were a lot of others I saw, but I eventually ended up walking to Panera with Dan and them.

There was a very large group of juniors at Panera.

I didn't like it.

Nick C and his friend were there, along with some of Nick R's friends that I met when I was with him (who now give me dirty looks when I see them). To make a long story short, I didn't like being around all those people that I either didn't know, or did know through certain assholes.

Nick C was also very rude to me that night, and embarassed me infront of all those people that I don't know- not that I wasn't already uncomfortable to begin with. I'm unhappy with him still.

I ended up just calling Andrea because I wanted to leave. Normally I try not to interrupt anything she is doing with Lance until atleast 10, (It was maybe 9:30/45 when I called?). But I really wanted out of there.

We left.

Work was good on Saturday?

Afterwards, I got yelled at by dad for "walking the streets alone". Apparently he was unhappy about that friday night a week back or so when I walked down to Panera alone because Lauren didn't want to leave the game and I really did. I never wrote about that night, but it ended up in my spilling my guts to Tommy, who turned out to be a very good listener. I'm pretty sure Andrea came over after that and we again konked out instead of going out anywhere even though we probably could have.

Anyhow, Saturday. I went to Andrea's, and we were planning on having Jordan come with us to the Party Store/Applebee's, but he never did.

The Party Store is amazing, although their prices are just weird. Some things are at very reasonable prices, and somethings are WAY overpriced. Example: a fog machine is 19.99, but streamers for a doorway are 8.99?

After browsing through the store and laughing at a lot of the random stuff and thinking up ideas for the party and haloween costumes, I ended up buying this huge blacklight, two smaller ones and 3 streamers which should react to the blacklights. (Two whites and one neon green).

We went to Applebee's, only to find that there was a 20 minute wait for just the two of us, and we didn't feel like waiting that long. We went to DQ, which wasn't any better of a situation because they wouldn't allow the use of credit cards for purchases under 10 dollars. (I had been planning on using my credit card). That left Andrea and I to think up a solution, which was my buying everything. She had to get a soda she didn't want and I had to get freakin extra chocolate sauce to push the 9.58 or something up to 10.00. They didn't even give me extra chocolate sauce even though I had to pay for it!

As we walked back to Andrea's house, we called Erik's cell about some party that was going on at Scoot's that night. (Scott's. We call him Scoot). Erik was going to be there later.

So, basically, we were planning on going to that party because Lance wanted Andrea to go and we had nothing better to do anyway.

Got back and tried out the blacklight. It's killer.

Then went upstairs and felt very tired and fell asleep on the floor, to be awoken by Andrea's cell phone ringing. I picked it up. It was a very drunk Scott. Our conversation went like this:

Me: Hello?

Scott: Andrea?

Me: No, this is Liz. Who is this?

Scott: This is Scott. Where's Andrea?

Me: Hey Scott. What's up. You sound drunk. You know you have poor judgement when you're drunk

Scott: No, I think you have poor judgement when I'm drunk

Me: Hahaha

Scott: Is Andrea there?

Me: pff fine, yea she is :hands phone to Scott:

It was something like that. He was being mean.

Andrea's conversation with Scott was very short. She was left wondering why Lance hadn't called her instead of Scott, and how Scott even got her number in the first place.

We went to sleep at 10:30.

Then I HAD to wake up at 9 because I had work at 10.

Work was very good today.

Tammy, one of my managers, did my cashier review. I wasn't sure why she was standing behind my register the whole day almost, and I really didn't take notice to it because the supervisors often stand and take notes on things. My review went very, very well. Apparently I'm doing a really good job, and my IPM hs gone up. (Items Per Minute). She said that I was good with the customers and that my bagging is generally good, but she suggested that I use two hands to pull things into the bags instead of one. When I turn 16, she said, there are possibilites for me in other departments. I thought that was pretty awesome. Tammy likes me, I think, and if there's anyone that I should want to like me... it's Tammy.

Cory the Bagel Boy look alike was a runner today. I didn't like it. I didn't like having to interact with him, because his hotness makes me nervous, oddly enough. Luckilly it was just for today, because Tiffany couldn't come in.

Cory is also not a very nice person, or atleast not to me. Reese is pretty nice, though. Too bad Cory's a bit hotter.

I have attractive co workers.

Anyhow, after work I fell asleep, when I should have been working on the study guide. If it weren't for Doug calling me at 10 and waking me up, I don't think I would have ever actually gotten up at all, and that would have been a problem.

Kevin was online tonight. I hadn't talked to him in forever and it was awesome to finally do so, I love that kid, he's definitely one of me best guy friends. He turned 16 on Saturday.

It's strange imagining myself or my close friends being 16. 16 is such a rvolutionary, or atleast it has the reputation of being a revolutionary age in one's life. I can imagine that to be true. You're placed with new responsibility because of your age, and I don't just mean driving or working or anything like that- I mean the thoughts of responsibility and matureness that come when you think of someone who is 16. You expect them to have a greater depth of thought and knowledge, and you expect them to make better decisions, as if they are almost adults. It's scary imagining myself being an almost-adult, since I'm almost-16 right now. That knowledge and security will come with time, I know. Right now I just want to drive.

wow, I had a lot more to talk about then my mind just went...blank.

Well, I'll be sixteen on November 6th. I hope everyone remembers my birthday- I know a lot of people's birthdays right now. Andrea's is July 11th, Laura's is July 10th, Kevin's is of course October 11th, Hillary's is December 2nd. Colten from Lock Haven's is the same as my brother's, June 24th. Tim's is December 21st. Tommy's is December 26th. Lauren's is February 8th, I think. Chris from Pittsburgh's is April 6th, stupid Nick's is April 13th. Maria's is August 10th. (or the 14th???? I always get that mixed up because of that one year she had a kickass (or, kickin') party at Kennywoon on one of those dates). Mom's is August 4th and dad's is December 24th.

There are probably more that I'm jsut forgetting- but I am November 6th!! And the party is still the 8th, yo.

I talked to someone tonight who I havem't talked to in such a long time, Ivan. He seems to be doing so well up in Washington and I'm so happy for him- he deserves that. I hope he comes and visits down here sometime, I miss him.

Well, today was the 12th

I don't know if anyone remembers, but October 12th was homecoming last year. I don't want to get into deep thought about that- I don't even know if I could. It was just...something to remember.

I guess I should get back to my study giude- 19 terms to do, then type it up, then put them on note cards and memorize the hell out of them all. i'm gonna get an A on this test, and I'll have had no sleep the night before to prove it.

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